METRO North Access Road Apron – March 4, 2021 thru March 26, 2021. Please see the diagram of the construction area for the METRO North Access Road Apron. As part of the Newstead Ave. Street Improvements Project, the entrance to the METRO Link Tracks North Access Road west of Newstead Ave. is being replaced. Work includes the upgrade of 2 curb inlets in the immediate area, and the pouring of a new entrance apron from Newstead Ave. to the Access Road. Work is expected to take three (3) weeks, beginning on March 4, 2021 and continuing through March 26, 2021, pending weather.
Closures – During the structure upgrades and apron replacement, the construction team will close the western southbound lane of Newstead from the SLCH Garage Exit to the METRO Link tracks. This lane closure is expected for the duration of the work.
Please anticipate construction vehicles parked in the drive lanes and congestion due to construction, as construction activities continue in the area.
PHASE 9 – Street Widening in Front of the 4444 Forest Park Building. Please see the diagram of the construction area for Phase 9. Phase 9 construction is ongoing and is expected to continue through the end of March, pending weather.
Closures – During Phase 9, the construction team will be widening Newstead Ave. in front of the 4444 Forest Park Building. The widening will involve widening the street 14’ into the existing parking lot, removing one (1) entry/exit, making modifications to adjacent sidewalks and planting areas, and restriping the lot to accommodate the new dimensions.
Please anticipate construction vehicles entering and exiting the 4444 parking lot and street, and congestion due to construction, as construction activities continue in the area.
PHASE 10 – Street Widening at the SLCH Daycare Site. Please see the diagram of the construction area for Phase 10.
Phase 10 construction is ongoing and is expected to continue through the end of March, pending weather. Phase 10 includes the replacement of the Duncan Ave. and Newstead Ave. intersection. The work includes the replacement of all signalization of the intersection, and re-alignment of the roadway at the NW (4444) and SW (SLCH Daycare Center) corners of the intersection.
Closures – During Phase 10, Newstead Ave. southbound lane will be closed and two (2) lanes of traffic (both northbound and southbound) will be open and shifted to the east side of the roadway. In addition, drive lanes, turn lanes and through traffic at the intersection will be temporarily narrowed to statutory minimums. Temporary re-striping and traffic measures will be put into place.
Please anticipate construction vehicles entering and exiting the street, and congestion due to construction, as construction activities continue in the area.
NEWSTEAD RE-PAVING. Due to seasonal weather, final paving of Newstead Avenue north of the Metrolink tracks to Forest Park Avenue is expected to be delayed until March/April 2021 when Phases 9 and 10 are done, and the asphalt plants open back up.
If your commute to work includes driving Newstead Avenue, please plan additional time for your commute to work, in anticipation of delays, congestion, changes to traffic and traffic patterns due to construction during this project. Your patience and cooperation, while we work to improve the campus, is sincerely appreciated.
Please direct any questions or concerns to Lauren Leonard, WUSM Project Manager or call 314-362-1951.