Newstead Sidewalk Change – METRO Link Tracks to Duncan Ave. – Week of March 29, 2021
During the week of March 29, 2021, the permanent sidewalk on the west side of Newstead Ave. from the METRO Link tracks to Duncan Ave. will be re-opened for use.
Closures – Once open, the temporary sidewalk established along the east side of Newstead Ave., from the METRO Link tracks to Duncan Ave. will be removed from service. The permanent sidewalk on the east side of Newstead Ave. from the METRO Link tracks to Duncan Ave. will be closed until 2023 due to the construction of the New Research Building.
Please plan to use the sidewalk on the west side of the Newstead Ave. moving forward.
Forest Park Ave. and Newstead Ave. Intersection Signal Work – March 29, 2021 thru April 16, 2021
As part of the Newstead Ave. Street Improvements Project, additional work is planned on the pedestrian crossing signals at the median islands in the Forest Park Ave. and Newstead Ave. intersection. The work will include the consolidation of crossing signals to one pole location, and the pole will be relocated to a central location in the island. These changes will be made to both the east and west median island locations. Work is expected to take three (3) weeks, beginning on March 29, 2021 and continuing through April 16, 2021, pending weather.
Closures – During the signal work, the construction team will close the east and west crosswalks, one at a time, as work occurs. Additionally, partial lane closures on Forest Park Ave. will occur to allow equipment to access the work areas.
Please anticipate construction vehicles parked in the drive lanes and congestion due to construction, as construction activities continue in the area.
Newstead Ave. Re-Paving – Tentatively Scheduled for the Week of April 19, 2021
The final paving of Newstead Ave. north of the Metrolink tracks to Forest Park Ave. is tentatively scheduled to occur the week of April 19, 2021 on nights, pending weather. Details of the planned work will be forthcoming in next week’s update.
PHASES 9 & 10 – Street Widening
The final stages of construction on Phases 9 and 10 is ongoing and is expected to continue through the end of March, pending weather.
Closures – During the final stages of Phases 9 & 10, the construction team will be working intermittently in the Newstead Ave. from the METRO Link tracks to Forest Park Ave.
Please anticipate construction vehicles entering and exiting the 4444 parking lot and street, and congestion due to construction, as construction activities continue in the area.
If your commute to work includes driving Newstead Ave., please plan additional time for your commute to work, in anticipation of delays, congestion, changes to traffic and traffic patterns due to construction during this project.
Your patience and cooperation, while we work to improve the campus, is sincerely appreciated.
Please direct any questions or concerns to Lauren Leonard, WUSM Project Manager.