
Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of, Euclid Power Plant, Biotechnology Center, East Building, East Imaging Center, Metro Garage-Electric Service Interruption 3/28/2021

The purpose of this outage is to perform maintenance and testing on the electrical switch gear in the Mid Campus Substation. This will be the third of three outages required to safely and effectively service the switch gear. This outage will require the following buildings to be single lined to one Electrical utility: BJCIH, EPP, BTC, EAS, and EIR. The switching in these buildings should not cause any power loss or blips. The Metro Garage, however, will experience a total electrical outage, due to the fact that we will be de-energizing the only utility that serves this building. The Metro Garage will have generator backed up emergency power for the duration of the outage on March 28th 7am-11am.

As a precautionary measure, no work may occur in the BJCIH B120 ABSL3 suite during this outage.