Due to the impacts of the pandemic and the war with Russia and Ukraine, the construction industry has had to deal with an increasing amount of material shortages, manufacturing delays, labor shortages and delivery delays. In addition, impacts have spread to other sectors, including furniture, equipment and IT. As a result, market and schedule effects and price inflation may continue for 18 to 24 months.
Things to Remember:
• Contact OFMD as soon as you believe a space or project need is forthcoming.
• Only submit projects for studies or projects you know have funding available to complete.
• If you have a funded project and know it should move forward, do not hold on to it – we can vet additional details with design progression. Early submission allows for the pre-ordering of materials and early demolition and will assist with improving costs and schedules.
• Interim space may be needed for recruits until a long-term solution can be mobilized – we encourage you to review departmental underutilized and vacant space with your departmental Planner and put temporary plans in place.
• Be prepared to discuss the critical items, options and schedule during the planning process.
• Please note the project manager cannot confirm the schedule until the project is designed and bid.
Early planning and meeting often is key to meeting your needs and requests and achieving a successful project as quickly as possible and at the best cost. Physical Planning and Capital Projects is also always available to assist with project questions, scheduling, and timeline issues.
John Brauer
Sr. Director of Capital Construction
Phone Number: 314-565-4599
Email: brauerj@wustl.edu
Vern Watts
Director Capital Projects
Phone Number: 314-486-5942
Email: Vern.watts@wustl.edu
Elizabeth Kohl
Director of Physical Planning
Phone Number: 314-496-0269
Email: Elizabeth.kohl@wustl.edu
Melissa Rockwell-Hopkins
Associate Vice Chancellor, Associate Dean
Phone Number:314-362-4970
Email: Hopkinsm@wustl.edu