Sent on behalf of Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
Starting the week of August 22nd, Sachs Electric (ArchKey) began working on the Medical Campus to extend the conduit on Duncan Avenue to the Goodwill Building @4140.
The work will require a complete road closure of Duncan Avenue. This will require nightly road closure from Monday through Friday for approximately two months for nighttime work. The crew will also utilize light stands to perform work nightly. They will begin by removing the street utilizing an excavator. A hydro-excavation subcontractor will be used to “pothole” buried utilities to locate them and identify depth. After completing that, they will begin excavating the 2.5’ x 8’ duct bank.
They will utilize properly rated shoring to safely support the excavation and haul off the spoils on time. They will install the conduits and pour the concrete into manageable sections to avoid open excavations as much as possible to avoid the risk of the trench caving in. At the end of each shift, their traffic control will be removed, and traffic will resume normal activities. Road plates will be utilized road plates to protect the excavations. Please see the Raceway Map for manhole reference and traffic plan.
Weather permitting, the planned duration of this work is through the morning of Friday, October 23rd. All work will be done during the evening/night shifts, beginning daily at 22:00 a.m. and ending at 05:00 each day.
Please direct any questions or concerns to James Williams at 770-990-3027 or