
Incident No. 2304-00140 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 04/03/2023 7:04 pm
Date & Time Reported: 04/03/2023 7:04 pm
Location: Wohl Clinic 1st Floor
Synopsis: A Protective Services officer observed a subject sleeping on a bench on the first floor of the Wohl Clinic. The officer did not observe any ID badge or visitor's tags. The officer woke the subject and asked her business on campus. The subject became verbally combative and hostile. The subject attempted to walk farther into the Wohl Clinic. The officer prevented her from doing so. The subject spit in the officer's face and tried to leave. The officer detained the subject and called the SLMPD to campus. The SLMPD arrested the subject for assault and active warrants.
Disposition: Subject Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

Incident No. 2305-00188 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-020869
Date & Time Occurred: 05/04/2023 8:30 am
Date & Time Reported: 05/08/2023 10:00 am
Location: S. Euclid Ave. at Clayton Ave.
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. A Barnes-Jewish Hospital employee was pushed from his bicycle. Protective Services is assisting the SLMPD with the investigation.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2305-0200 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-022539
Assault, Trespassing
Date & Time Occurred: 05/18/2023 2:03 am
Date & Time Reported: 05/18/2023 2:03 am
Location: Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB)
Synopsis: An unaffiliated subject attempted to "piggy-back" into the main lobby of the CSRB behind a Protective Services officer. The officer denied the subject entry and directed him to leave. The subject would not leave and behaved as though he was intoxicated. Additional officers responded to the CSRB. The subject was uncooperative and refused to leave, prompting Protective Services to call the SLMPD to the scene. The subject requested EMS, who were also called. While waiting for EMS, the subject became increasingly hostile and aggressive. The subject attempted to provoke both Protective Services and SLMPD officers into a physical confrontation and told the officers to shoot him. The subject charged at a SLMPD officer, striking the officer in the chest. Protective Services officer assisted the SLMPD in controlling the subject. A Protective Services officer was injured in the process. The SLMPD took custody of the subject and removed him from campus.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

Incident No. 2306-00236 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 06/09/2023 10:45 pm
Date & Time Reported: 06/09/2023 10:45 pm
Location: Hope Plaza/MetroLink Stairs Entry
Synopsis: Protective Services officers responded to assist a Metro Public Safety officer who was fighting with an unaffiliated subject. Metro Public Safety received reports that the subject was harassing people at the Central West End MetroLink platform. Metro Public Safety officers escorted the subject from Metro property. When Metro Public Safety officers attempted to return to the platform, the subject verbally engaged them and followed them. The Metro officer put his hand out and warned the subject to stay away. The subject slapped the officer's hand out of the way and struck the officer in the face with a closed fist. The subject attempted to strike the officer again but missed. The officer tackled the subject to the ground at which time Protective Services officers arrived and assisted in controlling the subject. Both the subject and the Metro officer had scrapes and small lacerations from the altercation. An open pocket knife was found hanging from the subject's waistband after he was detained. The SLMPD responded and took the subject into custody.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

Incident No. 2306-00267 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 06/21/2023 12:40 pm
Date & Time Reported: 06/21/2023 1:00 pm
Location: Spencer T. Olin Residence Hall, Shell Cafe
Synopsis: A Bon Appetit employee reported a former employee assaulted her while she was t work. The former employee was terminated four years ago and was possibly on campus seeking medical treatment. While the current employee was working the cash register, the former employee approached her from behind, hugged her waist, and kissed her ear and cheek. The actions were unwanted and unprovoked. The current employee reported the matter to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD).
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD.

Incident No. 2307-00296 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-031244
Date & Time Occurred: 07/09/2023 9:18 pm
Date & Time Reported: 07/09/2023 9:18 pm
Location: McMillan Hospital
Synopsis: A Protective Services officer observed a subject attempting to enter a secured door at the east entrance of the McMillan Hospital Building. The officer advised the subject that he could not enter the building. The subject was immediately verbally combative. The officer persisted in telling the subject to leave the area and issued a verbal trespass warning. The subject charged toward the officer unprovoked. The officer attempted to back away to create distance, however the subject physically engaged the officer. The officer defended himself and attempted to gain control of the subject. Both the subject and the officer fell to the ground at which time a WUSM employee bystander stepped in to aide the officer. Several other Protective Services officers arrived on scene and subdued the subject who actively resisted arrest. The subject, the bystander, and the officer were uninjured in the altercation. The SLMPD responded to campus and arrested the subject for assault.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

Incident No. 2307-00319 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-033980
Date & Time Occurred: 07/26/2023 5:09 pm
Date & Time Reported: 07/26/2023 5:09 pm
Location: Nash Way, Hope Plaza
Synopsis: While conducting an escort, a Protective Services officer observed two subjects fighting in Hope Plaza near the Mid Campus Center. The officer notified other officers in the area who arrived moments later. Officers spoke with the victim who stated that the aggressor was unknown to him. The altercation started when the aggressor bumped into the victim while he was walking through Hope Plaza. The victim verbally confronted the aggressor about bumping into him on purpose. The victim then walked toward the MetroLink, at which time the aggressor pursued him. The aggressor punched the victim and tackled him into some nearby landscaping. When officers began to arrive, the aggressor attempted to leave, northbound on Euclid Ave. He was quickly confronted by officers. He actively resisted being detained, resulting in the use of a taser by an officer. The taser had no effect on him and he continued to fight with the officers. Additional officers responded and they were able to gain control of the him. Officers called EMS and the SLMPD to the scene. The victim indicated that he wanted to press charges. The aggressor was charged with Assault 4th and conveyed to the BJH Emergency Department at his request.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

Incident No. 2309-00395 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 09/12/2023 10:26 am
Date & Time Reported: 09/12/2023 12:00 pm
Location: McMillan Hospital Building 1st Floor
Synopsis: A WUSM contract employee reported an unidentified subject assaulted him in the 1st floor men's restroom in the McMillan Hospital Building. CCTV footage showed the subject left the area via the MetroLink prior to the employee contacting Protective Services. An image was obtained from CCTV and disseminated among campus security. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2403-00094 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 24-009387
Suspicious Activity/Assault
Date & Time Occurred: 03/06/2024 9:36 am
Date & Time Reported: 03/06/2024 9:36 am
Location: S. Taylor Ave. at Chouteau Ave.
Synopsis: WUSM employees flagged down Protective Services officers in the area of S. Taylor Ave. and Chouteau Ave. to report the occupants of a silver sedan shot a pellet gun at them. The employees did not sustain any injuries. The SLMPD responded to the scene and took a report for assault.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD.

Incident No. 2406-00253 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 06/25/2024 12:25 pm
Date & Time Reported: 06/25/2024 12:25 pm
Location: Center for Advanced Medicine
Synopsis: A patient gained unauthorized entry to a clinical area in the Center for Advanced Medicine and caused a disturbance by yelling at their doctor. When a staff member attempted to redirect the patient, the patient slapped the staff member's arm away. The staff member was not injured and the patient calmed down without further intervention.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing