A portion of Newstead Avenue south of Duncan Avenue will be closed starting June 14th, until the end of December 2022 to facilitate the construction of the neuroscience research building and associated overhead pedestrian link above Newstead Avenue. A professional traffic analysis has been completed to ensure the viability of this closure.
The detour and traffic control plan is attached with the key points as follows:
• Boyle Avenue is the recommended detour route for those who typically traverse between Duncan Avenue and Clayton Avenue via Newstead Avenue.
• Access to the St. Louis Children’s Hospital (SLCH) Child Development Center parking lot at 321 S. Newstead Avenue will be maintained from the south on Newstead Avenue however access from the north on Newstead Avenue will be closed.
• The service drive south of the SLCH employee, Duncan Central, and Duncan Taylor garages will remain open with those exiting the south side of the garages having the ability to turn left (east) and turn south on Newstead Avenue.
• Delineators will be placed on Taylor Avenue north of the Metrolink tracks to discourage illegal left hand turns from the garage service drive onto SB Taylor to assist in traffic circulation.
We appreciate everyone’s cooperation and understanding as forward progress continues on the exciting expansion of the Washington University Medical Campus.
For any questions, please contact Sr. Project Manager, Mitch Snyder