On Friday, May 13th at 7am, Western Waterproofing will set a lift on the east side of S. Euclid Avenue to repair a 3rd floor window on the North Building. The work will involve shutting down the east sidewalk on Euclid between Becker Library and the North Building. The ADA ramp to FLTC will remain open. The south barricade will be placed so that the crosswalk remains open. One set or stairs from FLTC going south will be closed and will be the edge of the north barricade spanning the sidewalk. The remaining stairs to FLTC will remain open.
The lift is wider than the sidewalk and will protrude into the street approximately 1′ to 2′. Western will place cones around the lift and provide a flagger to direct traffic.
They will alter the northbound lane around the cones. Temporary parking on the west side of S. Euclid starting at the crosswalk going north approximately 60′ will be off limits until the work is complete. This will allow room for two-way traffic. The work is expected to be completed same day.
Please contact Antwoine Feaman, Engineering Project Manager.