The Operations & Facilities Management Department is excited to announce street improvement projects as part of the Ambulatory Cancer Building.
Workers are nearing completion of the intersection improvements at Taylor and Duncan Avenues and Taylor and Forest Park Avenues.
A new traffic signal began operations this week at Taylor and Duncan Avenues. This signal will remain in red flash for a period of several days to alert drivers that full operation will begin soon. The signal will begin cycling under temporary timing plans until workers resurface and install in-ground vehicle detection devices on Taylor Avenue. Traffic engineers will monitor the signal’s operation and will make changes to optimize traffic flow and pedestrian safety. The new signal at Taylor and Forest Park Avenue will also begin operation.
As part of the improvements, workers have widened northbound Taylor Avenue at Forest Park Avenue from three to four lanes. These lanes are configured as two left-turn lanes, one through lane, and one right-turn lane. Those traveling straight across Forest Park Avenue will no longer be in the lane shared with left turns but will now have a dedicated lane.
As part of the improvements, workers have widened northbound Taylor Avenue at Forest Park Avenue from three to four lanes. These lanes are configured as two left-turn lanes, one through lane, and one right-turn lane. Those traveling straight across Forest Park Avenue will no longer be in the lane shared with left turns but will now have a dedicated lane.
For any questions, please contact Steve Sobo, Executive Director Strategic Projects.