Mid Campus Center (MCC)
- Physical Address: 4590 Nash Way, St. Louis, MO, USA
The 12-story Mid Campus Center, located on the site of the former Storz building on the Washington University Medical Center, serves as an administrative building for the medical school and Barnes-Jewish and St. Louis Children’s Hospitals.
The location provides about 40,000 square feet of space per floor and houses offices for the dean and administrative staff and corporate offices for BJC HealthCare. It also includes a WUSM/BJH joint security center, conference rooms, Follett Bookstore, a FedEx store and a Kaldi’s Café. The building has been submitted for LEED certification.
Demolition of the site’s existing structure began in the summer of 2015. Groups began moving into the Mid Campus Center in December 2016 and relocation was complete in spring 2017.
8th Floor Faculty Office Fit Out
Located in the middle of campus, the Mid Campus Center (MCC) 8th Floor Faculty Office Fit Out provided centrally located faculty offices for the Department of Neurosurgery and the Department of Otolaryngology.
The project relocated both department’s existing faculty offices from Maternity Hospital to MCC. This relocation further decanted Maternity to enable a future project in that building. In addition, the project relocated the Facilities Integrated Service Center from Olin Residence Hall to the MCC 1st-floor lobby area.
The project scope included the fit-out of approximately 27,197 NASF for the new faculty office space and the renovation of approximately 6,301 NASF of the center core area on the 8th floor. The project renovation is approximately 1,500 NASF of the 1st-floor lobby and former HR office area for the FISC desk relocation.
Construction began in the fall of 2021 and was completed in August 2022.