Food service, FedEx, and Campus Store hours for today (2/16) Due to the current weather situation, temporary hours for today are (2/16): Kaldi’s Café MCC 9am-5:30pm Farmstead Café closed today Shell Café 7am-2pm Campus Store 8am-3pm FedEx 9am-6pm Campus Snow Removal A heavy winter storm hit the St. Louis area yesterday and we are working […]
Category: Weekly Updates
Weekly Update 2/15/2021
Due to the current weather situation, the following outlets will be closing early today (2/15): Kaldi’s Café in MCC closed at 12:30pm Farmstead Café closed at 12:30pm Shell Café closed at 12:30pm Campus Store closed at 12:30pm FedEx will close around 4:00pm We apologize for the inconvenience.