Events / Genome Data Center – Electric Service Interruption

Genome Data Center – Electric Service Interruption

7:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m.

Facilities will be preforming Maintenance on the main electrical gear. During this outage the building will be on one Utility . In order to safely work on the switchgear, we will also disable one generator on both East and West side, for the duration of the outage. There will still be plenty of redundancy with one Utility and one generator available. The critical loads will still have UPS power and we do not anticipate any interruptions to the critical loads. Once all work is complete we will return the electrical system to its normal operation, and verify that there are no power issues before we leave at the end of the day:

6/8- 7:00am-3:00pm ( D feed )
6/9- 7:00am-3:00pm ( W feed )

We thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.