The Operations & Facilities Management Department manages the WashU Medicine buildings. If you would like to find out more information about a building, please find the building within the list below. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Lewis.

Building Numbers:

Mail Stops:

The Mail Stop Code equals your campus box + building number + floor (example 8000-02-01)

Showing: All results
1234 S. Kingshighway

1234 S. Kingshighway

This building is located .8 miles from the Washington University School of Medicine campus in the Tower Grove neighborhood.

A second building on the site has been demolished to make room for additional parking spaces for School of Medicine staff, which is now available.

4444 Forest Park Blvd

4444 Forest Park Blvd

Address: 4444 Forest Park Blvd.
Number of floors: Seven
Link connections: N/A
Lactation Rooms: 3 (4 spaces)
Receiving location: 4444 Forest Park Blvd
Loading dock address: 4444 Forest Park Blvd – Phone 314-286-2996

4480 Clayton

4480 Clayton

Address: 4480 Clayton Ave.
Number of floors: Two
Link connections: N/A
Lactation Rooms: 2 (4 spaces)
Receiving location: 4522 McKinley Building
Loading dock address: 4523 Clayton Avenue – Phone 314-362-3093

4511 Forest Park

4511 Forest Park

Address: 4511 Forest Park Ave.
Number of floors: Four
Link connections: N/A
Lactation Rooms: 1 (2 spaces)
Receiving location: Ship to 4511 Forest Park
Loading dock address: 4523 Clayton Avenue – Phone 314-362-3093

4522 McKinley

4522 McKinley

Address: 4522 McKinley Ave.
Number of floors: Two
Link connections: N/A
Receiving location: 4522 McKinley Building
Loading dock address: 4523 Clayton Avenue – Phone 314-362-3093