Destruction of Property

Incident No. 2204-00121 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 22-015695
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 4/15/2022 11:15 pm
Date & Time Reported: 4/15/2022 11:30 pm
Location: Cortex One surface parking lot
Synopsis: Several construction workers parked on the surface lot of the Cortex One reported damage to their vehicles. The windows were shattered on three vehicles in the vehicle contents were disturbed. Nothing was reported stolen. Just prior to discovering the damage, the workers noticed a dark Jeep SUV with heavily tinted windows in the area. When the workers approached the parking lot, the occupants of the SUV dumped several items out of the windows and drove away. A review of the CCTV footage in the area revealed a dark SUV had arrived on campus at approximately 11:11 pm and spent less than ten minutes in the Cortex One parking lot. A license plate on the vehicle was not viewable. The SLMPD responded and took a report.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD. Investigation Ongoing.

Incident No. 2205-00170 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 22-023001
Property Damage
Date & Time Occurred: 5/30/2022 7:59 pm
Date & Time Reported: 5/30/2022 8:45 pm
Location: 700 block of S. Euclid Ave.
Synopsis: A Protective Services officer noticed multiple vehicles with broken windows in the Euclid Meter Lot. The vehicle owners were unsure if anything had been taken from the vehicles. The vehicle owners were advised to report the incident to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD. Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2305-00210 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-024528
Larceny, Property Damage
Date & Time Occurred: 05/30/2023 12:46 am
Date & Time Reported: 05/30/2023 12:46 am
Location: Euclid Meters
Synopsis: BJH Public Safety officers notified Protective Services officers that a vehicle had been broken into on the Euclid Meters. The suspect had fled the area north on Euclid Ave. Protective Services dispatchers began to monitor the area in real time using CCTV cameras. The suspect was located on the MetroLink platform. Protective Services and BJH Public Safety attempted to apprehend the suspect on the platform, however the suspect fled into the MetroLink tunnel. An oncoming train was forced to stop in the tunnel due to the suspect running on the tracks. The suspect attempted to pry open the doors to the train, however his hand became trapped in the doors, rendering him unable to flee. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) responded to the scene and arrested the suspect.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

Report No. 20-050843
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 11/9/2020 8:00 am
Date & Reported: 11/09/2020 8:00 am
Location: 4300 block of Clayton Ave.
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 20-051521 and 20-051527
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 11/12/2020 11:04 pm
Date & Reported: 11/12/2020 11:04 pm
Location: S. Euclid Avenue at Clayton Avenue
Synopsis: 2 incidents reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 20-051986
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 11/16/2020 7:01 am
Date & Reported: 11/16/2020 7:01 am
Location: 18 S. Kingshighway Boulevard
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 20-053313
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 11/24/2020 1:29 pm
Date & Reported: 11/24/2020 1:29 pm
Location: S. Kingshighway Blvd. and Forest Park Pkwy
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 20-054846
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 12/5/2020 10:41 am
Date & Reported: 12/05/2020 10:41 am
Location: 4961 Laclede Ave.
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 20-055552
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 12/10/2020 8:21 am
Date & Reported: 12/10/2020 8:21 am
Location: 400 S. Kingshighway
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 21-002469
Destruction of Property
Date & Time Occurred: 01/18/2021 3:16 pm
Date & Reported: 01/18/2021 3:16 pm
Location: 4451 Forest Park Avenue
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown