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Incident No. 2305-00178 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 05/02/2023 7:10 am
Date & Time Reported: 05/02/2023 7:20 am
Location: Mid Campus Center (MCC) 2nd Floor
Synopsis:  An unaffiliated subject entered the MCC by "piggy-backing" behind someone and made his way to the 2nd floor near the Kaldi's Cafe, where he reportedly began panhandling. The subject displayed unusual behavior such as dancing, playing "air drums," and attempting to hug passersby. He approached a WUSM employee and when she did not engage with him, he called her rude and attempted to grab her arm. The employee left the area and was not physically injured. Officers located the subject,  identified him, and escorted him from campus. Information about the subject was disseminated to all campus security.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

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Incident No. 2305-00193 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 05/14/2023 2:22 am
Date & Time Reported: 05/14/2023 2:22 am
Location: Ambulatory Cancer Center (ACC) Construction Site, 4500 Forest Park Ave.
Synopsis:  Protective Services officers responded to a report of trespasses at the ACC construction site. Officers located and identified two subjects who claimed they were part of a SnapChat group who explore urban construction sites. The SLMPD responded to campus and ultimately decided to release both subjects. The SLMPD escorted them from campus.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

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Incident No. 2305-0200 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-022539

Assault, Trespassing
Date & Time Occurred: 05/18/2023 2:03 am
Date & Time Reported: 05/18/2023 2:03 am
Location: Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB)
Synopsis:  An unaffiliated subject attempted to "piggy-back" into the main lobby of the CSRB behind a Protective Services officer. The officer denied the subject entry and directed him to leave. The subject would not leave and behaved as though he was intoxicated. Additional officers responded to the CSRB. The subject was uncooperative and refused to leave, prompting Protective Services to call the SLMPD to the scene. The subject requested EMS, who were also called. While waiting for EMS, the subject became increasingly hostile and aggressive. The subject attempted to provoke both Protective Services and SLMPD officers into a physical confrontation and told the officers to shoot him. The subject charged at a SLMPD officer, striking the officer in the chest. Protective Services officer assisted the SLMPD in controlling the subject. A Protective Services officer was injured in the process. The SLMPD took custody of the subject and removed him from campus.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

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Incident No. 2306-00241 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 06/12/2023 4:43 pm
Date & Time Reported: 06/12/2023 4:43 pm
Location: Euclid Power Plant Bike Rack/ Hope Plaza
Synopsis:  On 6/11/2023, Protective Services officers located a subject sleeping near the north entrance to the McDonnell Pediatric Research Building.  Officers verbally warned him against future trespass and escorted him from campus. On 6/12/2023, Protective Services officers observed the same subject loitering near the Euclid Power Plant Bike Rack. The subject was taken into custody, identified, and released with a written warning against future trespass. A BOLO was disseminated to campus security.
Disposition: Suspect Identified.

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Incident No. 2307-00292 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 07/05/2023 9:20 am
Date & Time Reported: 07/05/2023 9:20 am
Location: Mid Campus Center (MCC) 1st Floor
Synopsis:  A subject entered the MCC and was immediately recognized as a known trespasser who has attempted to access the Dean's Suite on previous occasions. Protective Services officers detained him and called the SLMPD. The SLMPD responded to campus and placed the subject under arrest for trespassing. UPDATE: On 5/3/2024 at 12:15 pm, the same subject returned to campus and was immediately taken into custody by Protective Services officers. Protective Services called the SLMPD to remove him from campus. However, the SLMPD did not respond. The subject was released and escorted from campus.
Disposition: Suspect arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown- UPDATE MAY 2024- Subject released from custody and escorted from campus

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Incident No. 2307-00302 (Protective Services Incident)

Trespassing, Attempted Larceny
Date & Time Occurred: 07/12/2023 1:40 am
Date & Time Reported: 07/12/2023 1:40 am
Location: 818 S. Euclid Ave., Euclid Meters
Synopsis:  While monitoring CCTV, Protective Services dispatchers observed a subject pulling on car handles of vehicles parked at the Euclid Meters and the 818 S. Euclid Ave. surface lot. Protective Services officer located and identified the subject. The SLMPD responded to campus and arrested the subject for outstanding warrants.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

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Incident No. 2307-00320 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 07/27/2023 6:00 am -10: 45 am
Date & Time Reported: 07/27/2023 10:45 am
Location: McMillan Hospital Building
Synopsis:  On 7/27/2023, Protective Services officers received three calls for a suspicious person trespassing in the McMillan Hospital Building. The calls were received from approximately 7:00am through 10:45 am. Officers were unable to locate the subject until the last call. The subject attempted to evade officers by boarding a MetroLink train. Officers were able to successfully detain the subject and identify him. He possessed several items that did not belong to him. However, it was unclear whether he took the items from the McMillan Building. Officers issued a written warning against future trespass and ensured he left campus. 
Disposition: Suspect Identified. Investigation Complete

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Incident No. 2308-00354 (Protective Services Incident)

Attempted Larceny, Trespassing
Date & Time Occurred: 08/13/2023 11:05 am
Date & Time Reported: 08/13/2023 11:12 am
Location:  400 block S. Euclid Ave.
Synopsis:  A courier parked her vehicle on Euclid Ave. near the MetroLink station to make a delivery. When she returned, a subject unknown to her was in her vehicle, removing items. She confronted the subject who returned her property and left the area. The courier contacted Protective Services. Officers located the subject and identified him. Officers ensured he did not retain any of the courier's property before escorting him from the area. A BOLO was created and disseminated to campus security to prevent future trespass.
Disposition: Suspect Identified. Investigation Complete

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Incident No. 2308-00361 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 08/18/2023 1:43 am
Date & Time Reported: 08/18/2023 1:43 am
Location:  Mid Campus Center (MCC)
Synopsis:  Protective Services responded to the 2nd floor of the MCC for a report of a suspicious person in the area. Officers located and identified the subject. The subject had several active warrants. SLMPD responded to the MCC and took custody of the subject.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

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Incident No. 2308-00379 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 08/26/2023 1:00 am
Date & Time Reported: 08/26/2023 1:00 am
Location:  Maternity Hospital Building "Maternity Pit"
Synopsis:  Protective Services officers observed a subject sleeping on a bench on the west side of the Maternity Hospital Building. The subject claimed she did not know she was not allowed to sleep there. The subject had multiple active warrants for which the SLMPD responded and took custody.  The subject was warned against future trespass.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.