The Operations and Facilities Management Department (OFMD) at the School of Medicine continues to set national trends in operational leadership for their continued commitment to employees, customers, and the stewardship of place.

Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

C.S. Lewis
Micro-Learning Communities
Emerging Leaders

Think | Lead | Succeed

Think | Lead | Succeed is a 12-part series that will
focus on improving critical thinking, communication,
and growing professional networks while
problem-solving issues that we encounter in OFMD

LinkedIn Learning

Complete LinkedIn Learning courses or learning paths to advance your skills for your current job and for your career growth goals. Upon completion of a lesson or course, we recommend you take a few moments to reflect on your learning insights and make a learning action plan. Learn with others by inviting your team members, colleagues, or peers to form a small group or cohort to take selected courses together. When the group completes a lesson or course, host a ZOOM or Microsoft Teams post learning group discussion to share key learning insights and strategies for applying the learning going forward.

Human Resources and Washington University IT have partnered to provide all current faculty and staff at Washington University free access to LinkedIn Learning, an online learning resource with thousands of top-quality engaging courses offered in multiple languages.

IMS Training

Institute Management Studies

Visit the Institute for Management Studies (IMS) website for many free webinars.

Professional Development Training

Technical Skills

Technical skills are sets of abilities or knowledge used to perform practical tasks in the areas of science, the arts, technology, engineering, and math.

Career Development

Process of acquiring skills, knowledge, and experiences to advance one’s professional journey, achieve personal goals, and navigate a fulfilling career path. It involves setting goals, continuous learning, networking, and adapting to changing circumstances to enhance one’s career prospects.

Soft Skills

Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.

University Trainings

Develop, Learn & Lead
HR’s Learning, Leadership, and Organization Development & Institute for Leadership Development (ILE) Teams are updating our webpage content.

Recommended Courses

Technical Skills
Microsoft ExcelExcel Essential TrainingPopular Excel
Linkedin Learning Videos
Microsoft PowerPointPowerPoint Essential Training
Popular Powerpoint
Linkedin Learning Videos
Microsoft WordWord Essential TrainingPopular Word
Linkedin Learning Videos
Microsoft ProjectProject Essential TrainingPopular Project
Linkedin Learning Videos
Microsoft OutlookOutlook Essential TrainingPopular Outlook
Linkedin Learning Videos
Soft Skills
Decision Making
Public Speaking
Team Building
Constructive Feedback
Goal Setting
Meeting Facilitation
Active Listening
How to effectively delegate
Interpersonal Skills
Customer Service
Aspiring & New Leaders
Learning Paths for Job Roles

Explore Learn@Work

Learn@Work is the university’s cloud-based learning management system that provides compliance-based training, professional development, and other instructional information to Washington University employees.