Please note that WashU Medicine employees only have after-hours access to the Clayton, Newstead, and Metro Garages (restrictions apply; see below for more information).
Clayton Garage After-Hours
Parking for WUSM faculty, staff and students working after-hours, weekends and holidays is provided free of charge in the Clayton Garage. However, after-hours parking can never be used to park in WUSM garages and lots on Monday through Friday business days. Valid after-hours in the Clayton Garage are Monday through Friday, 2 pm – 6 am (entry after 2 pm, exit before 6 am) and all day on weekends or holidays. Please allow 5 business days to activate access once approved. The WUSM Transportation & Parking office performs an annual audit to re-register users on the list.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a paid, monthly permit in the Clayton Garage, you do not have to register for after-hours access, as a permit gives you 24/7 access.
If WUSM finds misrepresentation or misuse of the after-hours program, it reserves the right to revoke all parking privileges.
Metro Garage After-Hours
After-hours parking in the Metro Garage is permitted only for Clinical Employees, Residents and Fellows who pay for parking on campus during after-hours, weekends and holidays. After-hours parking can never be used to park in WUSM garages and lots on Monday through Friday business days. Valid after-hours in the Metro Garage are Monday through Friday, 2 pm – 8 am (entry after 2 pm, exit before 8 am) and all day on weekends or holidays. Please allow 5 business days to activate access once approved. The WUSM Transportation & Parking office performs an annual audit to re-register users on the list.
ADA exceptions can be requested for valid permit holders for this location.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a paid monthly permit in the Metro Garage, you do not have to register for after-hours access, as a permit gives you 24/7 access.
If WUSM finds misrepresentation or misuse of the after-hours program, it reserves the right to revoke all parking privileges.
Newstead Garage After-Hours
Parking for WUSM faculty, staff and students who are full-time Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building occupants, collaborators or students with assigned space in the building and working after-hours, weekends and holidays is free in the Newstead Garage. However, after-hours parking can never be used to park in WUSM garages and lots on Monday through Friday business days. Valid after-hours in the Newstead Garage are Monday through Friday, 2 pm – 6 am (entry after 2 pm, exit before 6 am) and all day on weekends or holidays. Please allow 5 business days to activate access once approved. The WUSM Transportation & Parking office performs an annual audit to re-register users on the list.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a paid, monthly permit in the Newstead Garage, you do not have to register for after-hours access, as a permit gives you 24/7 access.
If WUSM finds misrepresentation or misuse of the after-hours program, it reserves the right to revoke all parking privileges.
After completing the registration form, the request will be sent to the Transportation & Parking team for review. Once the parking request is approved (expect 5 business days), you will receive an approval email, and the office will activate the garage access on your WUSM ID Badge.
If an individual parker violates or misuses the after-hours policy on a Parking Services audit, WUSM will revoke parking privileges for the assigned garage. WUSM considers violations of this policy theft by the University, and violators are subject to fines and corrective counseling, up to and including termination of employment.
By accepting and utilizing this privilege, you acknowledge that you will abide by the policies outlined, parking in the garage only during the allowed hours and making alternative arrangements for daytime parking as needed for your work schedule.