Educating the WashU Medicine Student Community
Protective Services officers regularly make security presentations at new student orientations for medical, physical therapy, and occupational therapy students. These presentations include information about programs to promote awareness and prevention of sex offenses. All medical school departments are encouraged to invite a Protective Services speaker to their departments’ meetings.
To seek advice on the Medical Campus, you may contact :
Legail Chandler at 314-362-4900 (complaints by faculty, staff, and others)
Dr. Lisa Moscoso, 314-362-6843 (complaints by students and others)
Jessica W. Kennedy, 314-935-3118 (complaints by students, faculty, staff, and others)
On the Danforth Campus, you may contact:
Apryle Cotton at 314-935-8095 (complaints by faculty, staff, and others)
Jessica W. Kennedy, 314-935-3118 (complaints by students, faculty, staff, and others)
If you should become the victim of a sexual assault off campus, go immediately to a place of safety and contact the local law enforcement agency by dialing 9-1-1.
On the medical campus, notify Protective Services to report the assault, dial 314-362-4357.
Protective Services will assist you in contacting the appropriate local Police Department and/or other campus resources. Sex crimes are criminal offenses whether committed by a stranger, friend, or date. Prompt reporting is essential to the collection and preservation of physical evidence. Do not bathe, douche, use the toilet, or change clothing before reporting the incident.
Sex crimes are also violations of the University Student Conduct Code. If you are the victim of a sex crime and wish to bring charges against another student, you may contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs at 314-362-6843. Students in other programs may contact the director of that program. Allegations against other students may also be brought before the Director of Judicial Programs at 314-935-4174, who oversees proceedings under the University Student Conduct Code.
Sanctions under University student policies include written warnings, reprimands, suspension, and permanent expulsion from the university. Both the accused and accuser are entitled to have others present during a campus disciplinary proceeding alleging a sexual assault, and both will be informed of the outcome of any campus disciplinary proceeding alleging a sexual assault.
WashU will provide assistance to the victim of a sexual assault in changing her/his academic or living situation after the assault/rape, if requested and reasonably available.
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that violates WashU’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy. It is also illegal under state and federal laws. You may also obtain a copy of the policy from the Medical School Human Resources office or the Danforth Campus Human Resources Office.
The university policy on sexual harassment applies to all members of the WashU community. It allocates responsibility for helping to ensure that university policy is fairly applied, explains the processes by which complaints of sexual harassment may be brought forward, and provides sanctions for sexual harassment, which may range from reprimands to termination or dismissal depending on the severity of the offense. While counseling is not considered a sanction, it may be offered or required in combination with sanctions. Where alcohol is involved in sexual harassment, such counseling may include an alcohol abuse program. If students or student groups are guilty of sexual harassment any of the sanctions set forth in the University’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy may also be invoked.
If you believe that you have been sexually harassed you may pursue either of two avenues. If you wish to have the situation handled informally instead of making a formal complaint, you may do so.
In most cases, it is the characteristics of the behavior, the effect on the complainant and whether a reasonable person similarly situated would find the conduct offensive that determines whether the behavior constitutes sexual harassment.
To make a formal report, please contact Protective Services at 314-362-4357.
The Student Health Services at WashU Medicine provides a variety of services for full-time students registered in the medical and allied professional schools. The office offers easy access to medical counseling. All outpatient Student Health Services benefits take effect on the date of registration and continue while the person is a student.
The Student Health Services provides on-site psychological counseling. Additional services are provided in private offices.
Student Health Services
Suite 3420, 3rd Floor, East Building,
4525 Scott Avenue
Phone: 314-362-3523
Fax: 314-362-0058
Hours: 8:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Student Health Service makes every effort to ensure the student’s privacy. Medical records regarding psychiatric or psychological care are kept separate from the student’s regular medical chart. The counselor providing care is the only individual with access to these records. The student’s written consent is required for communication between the school and the Student Health Service on any issue regarding an individual’s mental health. The Student Counseling Service (SCS) located on the Danforth Campus also serves students from the Medical Campus (for psychological counseling). Counselors may be seen by calling for an appointment (314-935-5980). Appointments can be arranged through Student Health Services.
The University encourages crime victims to obtain counseling. Victims of all types of crimes may also obtain assistance from the following community resources, which are not affiliated with Washington University:
- Crime Victim Center
Offers a 7-day, 24-hour hotline for victims of all types of crime. Provides emotional first aid, information, and referral services. - Provident
Offers a 7-day, 24-hour hotline, especially for suicide prevention. - Safe Connections
Offers a 7-day, 24-hour crisis hotline for women who have experienced physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Individual counseling and support groups also are offered.. - YWCA Women’s Resource Center
Offers crisis intervention at hospitals, free counseling, and therapy peer groups.
Under the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, persons required to register under a state offender registration program must notify the state concerning each post-secondary school at which the offender works or is a student. In Missouri, sex offenders must register with the police department in the city or county in which they live or work. To view or purchase registry lists, contact:
St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, 200 Clark Ave., Room 114, St. Louis, MO 63103, or
St. Louis County Police Department, 7900 Forsyth Ave., Records Room, Clayton, MO 63105
The Missouri State Highway Patrol maintains the Missouri Sex Offender Registry. The U.S. Department of Justice maintains the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website.