WashU Medicine makes certain reports and statistics available to its community and to prospective students and employees. WashU Medicine’s statistical crime report, which is published annually, presents statistics for the three most recent calendar years. A Daily Crime Log provides information about all crimes reported to Protective Services. A reported crime is added to the log within 24 hours after its occurrence, in most cases.

Any individual or WashU Medicine Department with access to the Internet can print out a paper copy of this information. If an individual or a particular university department does not have Internet access, a printout of all or portions of the report may be requested from the Protective Services Department, 314-362-4357.

We believe that the information provided herein is informative and helpful. We hope that everyone will take time to read it and to refer to this website regularly for additional information and crime prevention tips. The data presented on this web page is intended to be a convenient source of information to help members of the campus community keep themselves and others safe and secure. It is also part of the Medical School’s response to the Jeanne Clery Campus Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), which requires universities to collect and disseminate campus crime statistics and related information.