Biotechnology Center-Exhaust Fan Service Interruption 11/28-12/15/2023

On Tuesday, November 28th at 9 am we had a mechanical failure to Exhaust fan #2 for the Biotechnology Center building . This affects fume hoods and general exhaust for the following rooms on the 2nd floor, 225, 225A, 226, 226A, 226B, and 227.

Maternity Hospital-Air Handling Unit Service Interruption 11/21-11/22/2023

Facilities will be turning off the air handler that serves the 8th floor on November 21, 2023, at 6:00 pm to perform preventive maintenance. The air handler will be turned back on November 22, 2023, at 4:00 am. The 8th floor will experience loss of airflow and cooler-than-normal temperatures during the above-noted dates and times.

Clinical Sciences Research Building-Elevator Service Interruption 11/22-27/2023

The CSRB Service Elevator (Elevator #8) will have access to the 2nd floor locked out, starting Wednesday, November 22, at 4 pm. During this period, contractors will be painting the walls and epoxying the floor directly outside the elevator. Access to the 2nd floor will be restored on Monday, November 27, at 6 am.