
Incident No. 2110-00384 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 21-048016
Date & Time Occurred: 10/20/2021 11:30 am
Date & Time Reported: 10/20/2021 11:33 am
Location: Children's Hospital
Synopsis: A WUSM physician reported that a juvenile patient assaulted her during an exam. The physician suffered mild injuries. The incident was reported to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD. Judicial disposition unknown.

Incident No. 2110-00402 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 10/28/2021 3:20 pm
Date & Time Reported: 10/28/2021 3:29 pm
Location: Farmstead Cafe outdoor seating area/ Hope Plaza
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported an unknown male subject approached her while she was sitting outside the Farmstead Cafe. The subject had been digging through trashcans and asked the employee for money. The employee declined at which time the subject started yelling and throwing trash at her. The subject started to walk away then returned, got close to the employee and made threatening comments. A nearby WUSM student intervened and told the subject to stop. The subject then made threatening comments to the student. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2201-00023 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 1/18/2022 2:59 pm
Date & Time Reported: 1/18/2022 8:40 pm
Location: S. Euclid Ave.
Synopsis: A WUSM medical student was assaulted outside the McMillan Hospital Building as she was walking home. An unknown female subject pushed the student and struck her in the head, unprovoked. CCTV footage revealed the same subject was responsible for causing a disturbance several minutes earlier at the Center for Advanced Medicine. Protective Services is working to determine the subject's identity.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2202-00053 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 2/17/2022 8:42 am
Date & Time Reported: 2/17/2022 8:42 am
Location: Chromalloy American Kidney Center (CAKC)
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported a dialysis patient at the CAKC became irate and started threatening and assaulting the CAKC staff. The patient had a firearm in his possession that he was previously warned against bringing to campus. The CAKC staff were able to separate the patient from the firearm. Upon Protective Services' arrival, officers took possession of the firearm and called the SLMPD. While the patient was speaking with Protective Services and SLMPD officers, the patient assaulted another staff member. No injuries were reported. SLMPD took the patient into custody and removed him from campus.
Disposition: Suspect arrested. Judicial disposition unknown.

Incident No. 2204-00119 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 4/14/2022 2:30 pm
Date & Time Reported: 4/14/2022 2:30 pm
Location: Euclid Ave. at Forest Park Ave.
Synopsis: An unknown subject pushed a WUSM student into the street, unprovoked. The student fell on the pavement in the intersection of Euclid Ave. and Forest Park Ave. and broke his glasses as a result. The student reported that he was uninjured and declined to pursue the incident further. Protective Services reviewed CCTV footage and obtained an image of the unknown subject. The image was disseminated among campus security in an attempt to locate and identify the subject.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2205-00140 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 5/5/2022 3:00 pm
Date & Time Reported: 5/6/2022 10:00 am
Location: South Taylor Ave. north of Duncan Ave.
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported that as he was leaving the Metro Garage and turning north on Taylor Ave., a vehicle ran the stop sign at Taylor Ave. and Children's Place and again failed to stop at the stop sign at Taylor Ave. and Duncan Ave. The employee honked his horn at the driver. The driver of the vehicle stopped, rolled down his window, and brandished a firearm at the employee. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2208-00304 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 22-040453
Domestic Assault
Date & Time Occurred: 8/30/2022 5:50 pm
Date & Time Reported: 8/30/2022 5:52 pm
Location: Health Administration Planning (HAP) surface parking lot
Synopsis: A WUSM employee called Protective Services to report a woman on campus was screaming for help. An unaffiliated woman reported she was in a physical altercation with her significant other (also unaffiliated) while driving in their vehicle off campus. The woman alleged her significant other struck her in the face and head. They drove onto campus and parked in the HAP lot where her significant other attempted to pull her out of the vehicle by her hair, unsuccessfully. He took the vehicle keys and threw them into nearby bushes before leaving the area. Protective Services arrived and offered medical assistance to the woman which she declined. Officers located her significant other near the Clayton Garage and took him into custody. SLMPD officers responded to the scene and arrested him.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

Incident No. 2209-00344 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 9/29/2022 1:30 pm
Date & Time Reported: 9/29/2022 1:38 pm
Location: Chromalloy American Kidney Center (CAKC)
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported being involved in a verbal altercation with a patient of the CAKC. When the patient did not receive what he requested, he kicked the employee in the leg. The employee did not report any injuries. The patient was escorted from the CAKC to the Barnes-Jewish Emergency Department to obtain the treatment he requested.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

Incident No. 2303-00096 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 03/04/2023 2:18 pm
Date & Time Reported: 03/04/2023 2:18 pm
Location: S. Taylor Ave. before Duncan Ave.
Synopsis: Officers responded to the Metro Bus Depot to assist Metro Public Safety with an intoxicated subject. The subject had been removed from a Metro Bus for attempting to punch the bus driver. Metro Public Safety informed Protective Services that subject was not allowed to board a Metro Bus or a MetroLink train. The subject left the Metro Bus Depot on foot, northbound on S. Taylor Ave. Protective Services officers monitored the subject to ensure that he left campus. While walking on S. Taylor Ave., the subject encountered to unaffiliated people walking on the sidewalk. Unprompted, the subject grabbed on of the unaffiliated people and pulled her by the hair. Protective Services officers intervened and detained the subject. The unaffiliated person was uninjured and declined to press charges. Due to the intoxicated subject's continued unprompted aggression, Protective Services officers took him into custody for the safety of the campus. The SLMPD responded to campus and took custody of the subject.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested and Removed From Campus.

Incident No. 2303-00136 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 23-014716
Assault, Fondling
Date & Time Occurred: 03/31/2023 1:30 pm
Date & Time Reported: 03/31/2023 1:37 pm
Location: Eric P. Newman Education Center (EPNEC)
Synopsis: Protective Services officers responded to the outside of EPNEC for a report of a subject who assaulted a Washington University student. The subject was determined to be the same subject who was nude and trespassing in the Northwest Tower under Incident No. 2303-00135. During this incident, the subject entered the first floor of EPNEC and appeared to be lost. A WUSM employee asked the subject if he needed assistance. He grabbed the employee's breast until she yelled at him to stop. He approached another WUSM employee and engaged in the same behavior. He then left out of the front doors. A student was walking past EPNEC and the subject blocked her path, picked her up, and tried to walk away with her. The student screamed for help. Several people in the area intervened, causing the subject to release the student. The bystanders contained the subject until Protective Services arrived and took him into custody. The SLMPD was called to campus and an officer transported the subject to the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Emergency Department.
Disposition: Subject Identified. Referred to the SLMPD.