
Incident No. 2112-00474
Date & Time Occurred: 12/20/2021 1:34 pm
Date & Time Reported: 12/20/2021 1:30 pm
Location: Taylor Avenue Building (TAB)
Synopsis: A WUSM patient reported his ex-boyfriend showed up at a medical appointment unexpectedly. The subject was waiting for the patient in a clinic waiting room. When the patient walked in and sat down, the subject approached him and made threatening statements before leaving the area. The subject was gone upon Protective Services arrival. The patient did not want assistance in filing a protection order. A review of the CCTV footage in the area did not show anything conclusive. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing.

Incident No. 2112-00479 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 12/20/2021 - 12/28/2021
Date & Time Reported: 12/28/2021 12:58 pm
Location: Center for Outpatient Health
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported an ex-boyfriend had been harassing her through phone, text, and e-mail. In addition, he threatened to call her work and make false allegations to get her fired. The employee has filed paperwork to bar him from contacting her again. Protective Services is providing on-campus support to the employee.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2201-00037 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 1/28/2022
Date & Time Reported: 1/28/2022 11:58 am
Location: Clinical Sciences Research Building North Tower Addition
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported receiving a piece of harassing mail through the US Postal Service sent to her work address. Other than the mail being sent to her work address, the contents of the letter were unrelated to the employee's official WUSM position and responsibilities. As such, Protective Services referred the employee to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD

Incident No. 2204-00106 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 3/31/2022 11:11 pm
Date & Time Reported: 4/1/2022 6:30 pm
Location: Virtual via campus email
Synopsis: Two WUSM faculty members received harassing emails from a suspended WUSM faculty member. The emails contained concerning language. As such, Protective Services officers have increased safety patrols throughout the faculty workspaces. Washington University Police Department has been notified of the contents of the email so extra patrols can be conducted in the relevant areas on the Danforth campus. No immediate threat has been confirmed. Protective Services is continuing to investigate.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2207-00213 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: January 2022 - July 2022
Date & Time Reported: 7/5/2022 12:10 pm
Location: BJC Institute of Health (BJCIH)
Synopsis: A WUSM physician reported receiving several harassing emails to his work email address and phone calls on his personal cell phone and recently his work phone. The subject alleged the WUSM physician was the father of her child. After an investigation, we determined the subject mistook the WUSM physician for another doctor of the same name who resides in New York. We have provided the WUSM physician with the necessary steps to block the subject from contacting him at work.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

Incident No. 2207-00214 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: Ongoing
Date & Time Reported: 7/6/2022 10:05 am
Location: Center for Outpatient Health (COH)
Synopsis: A WUSM employee who works in the COH reported receiving harassing phone calls and messages from her ex-boyfriend. She notified Protective Services of the harassment after her ex-boyfriend threatened to come to her place of employment to harm her. Protective Services advised the employee of her options and the employee will notify security if her ex-boyfriend arrives on campus.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

Incident No. 2210-00373 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: Ongoing
Date & Time Reported: 10/18/2022 10:00 am
Location: 1234 S. Kingshighway Blvd.
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported her husband's ex-girlfriend has been harassing her via phone calls to her work phone line. The employee has initiated the process for an order of protection. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2211-00417 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 11/17/2022
Date & Time Reported: 11/17/2022 12:10 pm
Location: Mid Campus Center
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported her supervisor had made several harassing statements to her. She reported the incident to Human Resources and the SLMPD.
Disposition: Referred to Human Resources

Incident No. 2301-00040 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 01/28/2023 10:15 am
Date & Time Reported: 01/28/2023 10:15 am
Location: Nash Way
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported her ex-boyfriend followed her to campus and parked behind her on Nash Way outside of the Mid Campus Center. Protective Services officers confronted the ex-boyfriend and directed him to leave campus. Officers remained in the area of the employee's vehicle to keep watch. The ex-boyfriend returned to campus three times but sped away upon seeing officers in the area. On one occasion, an officer made contact with him again and directed him to leave. The subject attempted to provoke an altercation with the officer but was unsuccessful. After the employee completed her training on campus, officers escorted her safely to her vehicle and ensured she safely left campus.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

Incident No. 2302-00070 (Protective Services Incident)
Suspicious Activity/Harassment
Date & Time Occurred: December 2022-present
Date & Time Reported: 02/17/2023 10:26 am
Location: Wohl Hospital/Via Internet
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported a patient sent unsolicited messages to her on social media and sent an inappropriate gift to the employee's home address. Faculty Practice Plan spoke with the patient about the inappropriate communication. Protective Services will standby for future appointments with the patient.
Disposition: Investigation Complete