
Incident No. 2303-00129 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 03/20/2023 6:40 pm
Date & Time Reported: 03/29/2023 5:07 pm
Location: MetroLink Elevator Platform
Synopsis: A WUSM employee made a delayed report of harassment. The employee was waiting for a MetroLink train near the elevated elevator platform when a male subject approached her. The subject yelled and cursed at her, unprovoked. He then balled his fist and made a move as if to strike her. The employee left the area and walked down the stairs to the MetroLink platform. The employee was not physically harmed. A review of CCTV footage in the area showed the incident occurred as the employee described. The subject was tentatively identified as a know trespasser. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2304-00146 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 04/05/2023 7:30 pm
Date & Time Reported: 04/05/2023 7:38 pm
Location: Hope Plaza
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported being harassed in Hope Plaza outside the Mid Campus Center. Six teenagers approached the employee and took her cup. They asked for money and attempted to look in her purse. The employee took back the cup and walked away from the teenagers. Protective Services officers confronted the teenagers at the MetroLink platform. They told officers they were just joking. The employee declined to press charges. The teenagers were identified and allowed to leave on the MetroLink. Investigation Complete
Disposition: Subjects Identified. Investigation Complete

Incident No. 2308-00362 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 08/18/2023 12:30 pm
Date & Time Reported: 08/18/2023 5:46 pm
Location: Children's Hospital
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported having ongoing issues with a co-worker. The issues are being addressed by Human Resources. However, while working on 8/18/2023, the employee felt a liquid substance get sprayed on the back of her neck. She saw her co-worker in the area. Later in the day, the employee developed a sore throat and felt fatigued. She reported the incident to Protective Services, her supervisors, and HR.
Disposition: Referred to Human Resources

Incident No. 2310-00429 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 10/04/2023 11:30 am
Date & Time Reported: 10/04/2023 1:40 pm
Location: Wohl Clinic 5th Floor
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported an estranged family member showed up to the 5th floor of the Wohl Clinic looking for her. The employee was not in the area at the time. The estranged family member was told the employee did not want to see her. She left without further issue. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2402-00085 (Protective Services Incident), Report No. 24-008555
Date & Time Occurred: 02/29/2024 5:36 pm
Date & Time Reported: 02/29/2024 6:10 pm
Location: Jeffery T. Fort Neuroscience Research Labs (FORTLABS)
Synopsis: Two WUSM employees reported receiving threatening text messages to their WUSM owned phones. The texts messages were from an unregistered number. However, the employees believed they originated for an employee that was terminated on that same day. Due to the nature of the threats, security increased their presence in the building with the support of the Washington University Police Department and the SLMPD. The SLMPD wrote a report for Harassment 1st and are continuing to investigate.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD. Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2406-00232 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 06/13/2024 7:54 am
Date & Time Reported: 06/13/2024 8:00 am
Location: MetroLink Platform
Synopsis: A WUSM student reported that he was harassed and threatened by an unidentified subject while he was on the MetroLink train and Central West End platform. The subject left the area prior to Protective Services arriving to the area. CCTV showed the subject walked north on S. Taylor Ave. and attempted to engage with other passersby. His behavior indicated a possible mental health issue. A BOLO was circulated to campus security. Later, the subject was positively identified by BJH Public Safety as someone they found trespassing on their property later in the evening on 6/13/2024. An updated BOLO has been disseminated in an attempt to locate the subject. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Report No. 2101-00003 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 1/6/2021 8:12 am
Date & Time Reported: 1/6/2021 8:12 am
Location: S. Taylor Avenue
Synopsis: A BJH employee working in a WUSM lab called Protective Services to report her ex-husband followed her into work in his vehicle. He drove aggressively to keep up with her, tailgating and switching lanes when she did. The employee has an active protection order against her ex-husband. The SLMPD were called to the scene and reported they would seek charges against the ex-husband for violation of the order of protection.
Disposition: Referred to the SLMPD. Judicial disposition unknown.

Report No. 2106-00176 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 6/4/2021 9:54 am - 10:50 am
Date & Reported: 6/4/2021 10:59 am
Location: The Spot, Laclede Ave.
Synopsis: Employees for the The Spot reported receiving harassing phone calls and voicemails from an unaffiliated person who was attempting to set up an appointment. The subject was screened over the phone for COVID symptoms and when the subject did not pass screening, employees advised him he could not be seen for an appointment. The subject became verbally aggressive. The employee terminated the call, however the subject called back several times, leaving harassing and threatening messages. The employees blocked the subject's number.
Disposition: No disposition. The employees will contact Protective Services if any further issues arise.

Report No. 2106-00210 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 6/29/2021 12:15 pm
Date & Reported: 6/29/2021 12:25 pm
Location: Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB)
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported her former boyfriend reported to her work station in CSRB and became verbally aggressive. The employee told him to leave. When he would not comply, the employee gathered her things to leave the area. The man grabbed her arm at which time a Children's Hospital Public Safety officer happened to walk through the area. The man released the employee's arm and left the area. The employee was given information for the SLMPD and information about protection orders
Disposition: No judicial disposition.

Report No. 2107-00245 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 7/24/2021 11:00 pm
Date & Reported: 7/25/2021
Location: Barnes-Jewish Hospital
Synopsis: A BJH nurse reported a patient who was admitted to Barnes-Jewish Hospital made a verbal threat toward a WUSM physician. Protective Services and BJH Public Safety are both investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing.