Lost or Stolen Property

Report No. 2107-00214 (Protective Services Incident)
Lost or Stolen Property
Date & Time Occurred: 6/18/2021 - 7/2/2021
Date & Reported: 7/2/2021 4:28 pm
Location: McDonnell Pediatric Research Building (MPRB)
Synopsis: A WUSM contractor reported approximately $1,200 worth of construction equipment was missing from a sixth floor conference room where it was being stored. The items were last seen approximately two weeks ago. The contractor was not sure if the items were moved by someone else or if they were stolen. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Report No. 2107-00227 (Protective Services Incident)
Lost or Missing Property
Date & Time Occurred: Unknown
Date & Reported: 07/12/2021 4:57 pm
Location: McDonnell Medical Sciences Building
Synopsis: An employee reported a picture missing from its frame within a conference room. The frame still hung on the wall. The conference room had not been used for an extended period of time. Nothing else in the room appeared to be missing.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Report No. 2107-00229 (Protective Services Incident)
Lost or Missing Property
Date & Time Occurred: Unknown
Date & Reported: 7/13/2021 12:04 pm
Location: McDonnell Medical Sciences Building
Synopsis: An employee reported a laboratory balance missing from a workspace. Another laboratory recently moved out of the area. Neither laboratory's employees knew the current location of the balance. The balance was last used in the middle of June. The balance was discovered missing at the end of June but was not reported at that time. Nothing else in the space appeared to be missing.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Report No. 22-060879
Lost Article
Date & Time Occurred: 12/23/2022 10:38 am
Date & Time Reported: 12/23/2022 10:38 am
Location: 660 S. Euclid Ave.
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

Report No. 2308-00344 (Protective Services Incident)
Lost or Stolen Property
Date & Time Occurred: 08/07/2023 - 08/08/2023
Date & Time Reported: 08/08/2023 2:15 pm
Location: Biotechnology Center Building, 2nd Floor
Synopsis: A WUSM employee reported a phone charger that had been connected to a computer tower was missing from a second floor lab in the Biotechnology Center Building. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing