
Incident No. 2112-00480 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 12/30/2021 9:17 pm
Date & Time Reported: 12/30/2021 9:17 pm
Location: Farrell Learning and Teaching Center (FLTC)
Synopsis: A known trespasser gained entry to the FLTC by waiting for someone to exit the building and entering before the doors closed. The subject proceeded to the Kaldi's cafe area and took a bottled soda. Officers confronted the subject in the lobby of the FLTC building and took him into custody. He was released to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Suspect arrested. Judicial disposition unknown.

Incident No. 2203-00082 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 3/12/2022 4:16 am
Date & Time Reported: 3/12/2022 4:16 am
Location: Mid Campus Center
Synopsis: A known trespasser was located in the Mid Campus Center at approximately 4:16 am. The same trespasser had been located in the McMillan Building earlier that morning. He was given a trespass warning at that time. When found in the Mid Campus Center, officers arrested the trespasser and called the SLMPD. The SLMPD arrested the trespasser and removed him from campus.
Disposition: Suspect arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

Incident No. 2203-00090 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 3/18/2022 3:50 am
Date & Time Reported: 3/18/2022 3:50 am
Location: McMillan Hospital Building
Synopsis: A trespasser was located sleeping in the south vestibule of the McMillan Hospital Building. Protective Services officers identify the subject and determined he had several active warrants. The SLMPD responded to campus, arrested the trespasser and removed him from campus.
Disposition: Suspect arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

Incident No. 2204-00125 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 4/22/2022 2:45 am
Date & Time Reported: 4/22/2022 2:50 am
Location: Mid Campus Center Loading Dock
Synopsis: A Protective Services officer observed a male subject walking through campus carrying a dorm-style mini refrigerator. He requested that dispatch check the CCTV cameras in the area to determine if the subject arrived on campus with the refrigerator. Footage was located that showed the subject taking the refrigerator from the Mid Campus Center loading dock just minutes before the officer observed him. Officers stopped the subject who was uncooperative. The subject was identified but refused to answer any questions. He left campus without the refrigerator. Officers recovered the refrigerator and returned it.
Disposition: Investigation complete.

Incident No. 2205-00144 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 5/9/2022 8:55 pm
Date & Time Reported: 5/9/2022 8:55 pm
Location: Neuroscience Research Building (NRB) Construction Site
Synopsis: Protective Services officers apprehended a subject exiting the NRB construction site. The contractors working onsite confirmed that the subject had no affiliation to the construction site and no reason to be there. Officers called the SLMPD to the scene. The SLMPD arrested the subject and charged him with trespassing. The subject was then released on scene and allowed to leave campus.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

Incident No. 2206-00192 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 6/15/2022 12:41 am
Date & Time Reported: 6/15/2022 12:41 am
Location: Eric P. Newman Education Center (EPNEC)
Synopsis: Protective Services officers responded to EPNEC for a report of a person entering without using an ID Badge. Officers located the subject in a restroom. The subject reported that he needed to use a bathroom and pulled on doors until he found one that opened. The officers identified the subject and issued him a "No Trespass" warning. The officers escorted the subject to the Barnes-Jewish Emergency Department at his request.
Disposition: Investigation Complete

Incident No. 2206-0211 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 7/6/2022 2:06 pm
Date & Time Reported: 7/6/2022 2:06 pm
Location: Mid Campus Center (MCC)
Synopsis: On 6/29/2022, a former WUSM employee came to the MCC and attempted to speak to the Dean about being wrongfully terminated. Protective Services spoke with the man about scheduling a meeting rather than arriving unannounced. He was issued a trespass warning and told not to return to campus without a scheduled appointment. On 7/6/2022, Protective Services officers located the man in the MCC. While attempting to detain him, the man became agitated and refused to comply with officer commands. After officers placed the man in handcuffs, he continued to act erratically until the SLMPD responded to take him into custody.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown

Incident No. 2209-00323 (Protective Services Incident)
Suspicious Behavior/ Trespassing
Date & Time Occurred: 9/13/2022 3:34 pm
Date & Time Reported: 9/13/2022 6:30 pm
Location: East Building
Synopsis: Protective Services officers received a report of a subject acting suspiciously in the East Building. Custodial staff noticed a subject peak out from behind the door of the shower room on the 1st floor of the East Building. The subject exited the building shortly after. Investigation revealed the subject took a shower and discarded used clothes in the bathroom. A review of CCTV in the area showed the subject gained access by "tailgating" in the front entrance after an employee badged in. Protective Services is investigating.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing

Incident No. 2209-00326 (Protective Services Incident)
Suspicious Behavior/ Trespassing
Date & Time Occurred: 9/15/2022 1:25 am
Date & Time Reported: 9/15/2022 1:25 am
Location: The Core Apartment Residences, 818 S. Euclid Ave.
Synopsis: Protective Services officers received a report of a subject acting suspiciously in the parking lot of 818 S. Euclid Ave. Officers searched the area and located a subject. The subject was unaffiliated with WUSM with an active parole violation warrant. Officers took the subject into custody and turned him over to the SLMPD. Officers canvassed the 818 S. Euclid surface lot and determined there was no evidence of any vehicle tampering.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown.

Incident No. 2210-00365 (Protective Services Incident)
Date & Time Occurred: 10/11/2022 1:45 pm
Date & Time Reported: 10/11/2022 1:45 pm
Location: Mid Campus Center (MCC)
Synopsis: A WUSM employee at the desk in the main lobby of the MCC called Protective Services about a known trespasser in the building demanding to see the Dean. Officers arrived and took custody of the subject who had previously been warned about trespassing on campus. The SLMPD arrived on campus and arrested the subject for trespassing.
Disposition: Suspect Arrested. Judicial Disposition Unknown