Southwest Tower-Exhaust Fan Service Interruption 12/21/2024

On Saturday, December 21, from 6 am-2 pm, Facilities will perform preventive maintenance on the exhaust system that serves the fume hoods serving floors 6 , 7 ,and 8. No work shall be done in the fume hoods during this time.

REVISED-4480 Clayton-Fire Alarm Service Interruption 12/19/2024

On Wednesday, December 18th, from 2-9 am, facilities along with St. Louis City Fire inspectors, will test the fire alarm in the new MIR facility; associated with this test will be audibles and strobe lights throughout the building. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. No need for evacuation.

McDonnell Pediatric Research Building-HVAC Service Interruption 12/12-13/2024

In order to perform preventative maintenance, facilities technicians will be conducting outages of the HVAC systems that will affect BSL3 lab suites 8210, 7303, 7302, and 7230 in the building. During the below-noted times, NO work shall be conducted in BSL3 lab suites 8210, 7303, 7302, and 7230.12/12 4 am – 7 am12/13 4 am […]

Siteman Cancer Center @ 4500 Forest Park-Electric Service Interruption 12/17/2024

On Tuesday, December 17, from 3 to 5 p.m., facilities will be conducting a monthly ATS test for the Joint Commission. There will be a quick blip, but no power loss is anticipated during the test. Items affected will be emergency receptacles, lighting, elevators, and some equipment supplied by emergency power.

Biotechnology Center-Exhaust Fan Service Interruption 12/14-15/2024

Please be advised of a scheduled building-wide exhaust outage at the Biotechnology Center starting Saturday, December 14, at 6:00 am and continuing through Sunday, December 15, at 4:00 pm. During this time there will be no exhaust flow to fume hoods, restrooms, or general building exhaust. This outage is necessary to allow our Facilities Engineering […]