Due to a mechanical failure in the DI systems serving the West Building labs, users of that system may experience little to no flow from Monday, February 24th, 12 pm, to Friday, February 28th, 3:30 pm. Evoqua technicians are currently working on getting the system back online.
CSRB North Tower Addition-Electric Service Interruption 2/21/2025
On Friday, February 21st, 4-6 am, the emergency lighting circuit for the NTA elevator lobbies will be shut off to reconnect the 4FL new emergency lighting and disconnect 7FL emergency lighting. This emergency circuit impacts BSL-3 lab lighting on the 4FL. NO work may occur in the 4th floor biohazard area during this outage.
McDonnell Medical Sciences Building-Electric Service Interruption 2/28/2025
There will be an outage on Friday, February 28th, from 4 to 6 a.m. This outage is to assist the electrical contractor in relocating electrical circuits for the 9th-floor renovation project. Various areas on multiple floors will be without electricity and exhaust fans during this time.
Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology-Elevator Service Interruption 3/9/2025
Elevator 102 will be out of service on Sunday, March 9th, at 8 am for 4 hours to perform preventive maintenance. The elevator will be back in service at noon.
Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health-Air Handling Unit 2/20/2025
On Thursday, February 20th, 5-7 am, OFMD will be working with Johnson Controls to troubleshoot the controller for one of the basement vivarium supply air units (AHU-9). NO work may occur in B120 ABSL3 suite during this outage.
South Medical Building-Exhaust Fan Service Interruption 2/22/22025
On Saturday, February 22nd, 7 am – 5 pm, exhaust fans 8B & 8C will be shut down to facilitate facilities in the repair of the exhaust fans. This outage will affect fume hoods in rooms 1902, 1905, 1906, 1911A, 1911B, 1914, 2902, 2903, 2916, 2917, 4929A and 4929B. During this time there will be […]
Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building-Domestic Hot Water 2/23/2025
On Sunday, February 23rd, from 12 to 8 am, the building will have limited hot water and decreasing hot water temperature. Please DO NOT use showers or cage wash machines during this time.
East McDonnell Facility-Electric Service Interruption 3/22/2025
On Saturday, March 22nd, 7-11 am, facilities, and contractors will be conducting electrical maintenance on the building “D” feeder. The maintenance will consist of half the building being de-energized to perform necessary testing. There will be a loss of normal power to lighting from the basement to the fourth floor, MCC-5, and some receptacles from […]
East McDonnell Facility-Electric Service Interruption 3/15/2025
On Saturday, March 15, from 7 to 11 am, facilities and contractors will conduct electrical switchgear maintenance on the building’s “W” feeder. The maintenance will consist of half the building being de-energized to perform necessary testing. There will be a loss of normal power to receptacles basement levels to third fl., lighting from fifth floor […]
Northwest Tower-Electric Service Interruption 3/8/2025
On Saturday, March 8th, 7-11 am, facilities and contractors will conduct electrical switchgear maintenance for floors 6 through 8; standard power will be de-energized; however, emergency power will be available during the outage. This means that all emergency outlets (RED) will be restored once the generator starts up. The affected devices are as follows: receptacles, […]