Fingerprinting Service

Protective Services is currently making appointments for those in need of their Medical License as well as other boards or agencies.

Schedule an appointment for WashU Fingerprinting

Employees must present their WashU Medicine photo ID badge and/or other positive proof of identity before being fingerprinted.

Fingerprints taken for federal agencies may require the use of those agency’s fingerprint cards. These cards and any other relevant information should be provided to Protective Services by the requester. Some agencies require fingerprinting by a police department. In this case, the WashU Police Department, on the Danforth Campus, may be contacted at 314-935-5555, or contact the nearest local law enforcement agency.

Personal Safety Escorts

Protective Services provides escorts by vehicle for employees and medical students. Walking escorts also are available. An officer will accompany the requesting party to on-campus WashU Medicine parking areas or from one building to another to ensure their personal safety. Campus personnel should take advantage of the campus shuttle system for routine rides to their campus destinations. WashU Medicine offers an Afterhours Neighborhood Shuttle Program from the Medical School campus to six neighborhoods near the campus. This shuttle service is offered after 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. For more information, please visit our shuttle webpage.

Vehicle escorts off-campus will only be conducted at the discretion of the on-duty Protective Services Supervisor. Response time for escorts will vary according to the number of Protective Services personnel on duty and the demand for services. The demand for escorts increases during winter months, when darkness comes early or the weather is inclement. To request a personal safety escort, dial 314-362-4357.  WashU Medicine Protective Services will escort employees and medical students off campus to the Central West End and Forest Park Southeast (not west of Kingshighway).

Access Control and ID Badges

Each department/division within WashU Medicine has a designated person(s) who can request a badge and the required access for new and established employees. These persons are the only ones who can submit the ID badge request in ServiceNow.  Please see your immediate supervisor for the name of the person(s) with this authority for your department/division.

All photos should be attached to the ServiceNow badge request. All badges can be picked up at the Facilities Integrated Service Center (FISC). The FISC desk is located in the lobby of Mid-Campus Center- 4590 Nash Way. The FISC desk hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

All employees, faculty, staff, and students are asked to wear their photo ID on their outermost garment anytime they are on campus. If the ID is lost or stolen, during business hours please call Access Control at 314-362-1580 immediately or after hours call Protective Services at 314-362-4357 immediately. For more information, please visit the badge request webpage.

Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)

The WashU AED Program is responsible for the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), batteries and pads, AED cabinets and alarms, replenishment and replacement, bleeding control kits, maintenance checks, and AED/CPR/bleeding control awareness.

AEDs make it possible to respond to sudden cardiac arrest by making defibrillation technology portable, affordable, and available to virtually everyone. AEDs have a documented ability to drastically improve survival rates for cardiac victims. WashU Medicine currently has more than 200 AEDs placed throughout campus. Protective Services Officers also have AEDs in all of their patrol vehicles.

WashU Emergency Management personnel maintain these AEDs and perform frequent checks to be sure all are in appropriate condition. Additional information on the WashU AED Program can be found on the Emergency Management website.

Bicycle Parking and Security

WashU Medicine provides designated bicycle parking areas equipped with bike racks. Bikes parked in these areas should be securely locked to the bike rack using a U-type bicycle lock. Locks of this type may be purchased from bike shops and retail stores.

Bike racks for use by campus personnel have been placed in various locations. Bikes may not be parked in dangerous locations that create a safety hazard, such as chained to stair railings or on disabled access ramps. Bikes parked in dangerous locations on WashU Medicine property will be removed and impounded by Protective Services. Impounded bikes may be claimed by dialing 314-362-4357. Proof of ownership is required. WashU Medicine will not be liable for the cost of repairing or replacing any security device damaged while removing and impounding illegally parked bikes. Helmets, saddlebags, and other personal items should not be left with parked bikes. Leaving these items unattended and in plain view invites petty theft. Bicyclists are responsible for the safe operation of their bike, as are motor vehicle operators. This is particularly true in a high-pedestrian traffic area such as the WashU Medicine campus. Safety of campus personnel is the prime concern.

Bike Rack Locations

Shower Locations

Fire Drills and Extinguishers

Emergency Management, in conjunction with campus partners, is responsible for managing and coordinating the university fire drill program. The purpose of a fire drill is to educate the building occupants in the safety features of the building, the egress options available and the procedures to be followed.

Fire extinguishers in public areas, such as building entrances, elevator lobbies and public hallways on campus, are the responsibility of Emergency Management, which inspects, recharges and replaces them as needed. Fire extinguishers in departmental spaces are the responsibility of the respective departments. Fire alarm systems and hardware are the responsibility of Facilities Engineering, 314-362-3100.

For additional information, please visit the Emergency Management website.

Lock and Key Service

Professionally trained locksmiths from Physical Security provide key service for WashU Medicine. These employees cut keys and are responsible for installing, repairing, and changing stand-alone locks and door cores. They maintain an up-to-date computerized list of key holders. Keys can be picked up at the Key Shop, located in Biotech, Room 308. Lost keys must be reported immediately. For key issuance or other questions, please contact Mary Lamar at 314-362-4813 or

Lost and Found

A Response Officer will come to your campus location to pick up found property or to initiate a report of lost items. Inquiries about found or lost property may be made by calling 314-362-4357. Unclaimed property will be held for 60 days before disposal.

To claim lost property, please follow link below.

Crime Prevention

Protective Services’ Crime Analysis and Special Services unit is generally responsible for outreach activities, including orientations, presentations, and training sessions for staff, faculty, and students.  For more information, please contact Stephen Manley, Assistant Director, Protective Services, at

Parking & Transportation
Motorist Assistance

Jump starts and key extrication services, for vehicles with manual locks only, are provided by officers operating marked mobile units. Services are provided free of charge for people using WashU Medicine parking facilities or campus personnel using on-street parking within campus boundaries. For vehicles with electric locks, Protective Services will assist the owner in contacting a local locksmith of the owner’s choice. Outside locksmith service is at the expense of the vehicle owner. No mechanical work, changing or repair of flat tires, or emergency fuel is provided by Protective Services. To request motorist assistance, dial 314-362-4357.