WashU Medicine strongly encourages alternative transportation. WashU has been working to advance low-carbon, active forms of transportation that lessen environmental impact, promote healthy lifestyles, and strengthen our sense of community.

The university offers several transportation options. Metro St. Louis provides transportation near and around the WashU Medicine campus. If you are not a WashU full-time student or benefits-eligible faculty or staff member with a current U-Pass, you must pay the applicable Metro fare for your transportation.

The WashU Medical Center (WUMC) offers its community multiple transportation options to, from, and on campus. As of 2015, forty-seven percent of the WashU Medicine community use transportation other than single-occupancy vehicles. WUMC has a suite of activities to maintain or expand that rate and ensure the Medical Center community is satisfied with the quality and safety of campus transportation options.

Please view the WUMC Best Practice Document – Transportation Demand Management for more information.

Resources for bikers

Parking map with bike rack & shower locations

Bike parking & shower/locker space guidelines

Locker & shower room information

Public transportation

The university provides most faculty, staff and students with a Universal Pass (U-Pass) for the Metro public transportation system. The following regulations strictly apply to the U-Pass program. Fraudulent or unauthorized use of a U-Pass will lead to possible University disciplinary action, confiscation of the pass, revocation of the program benefit, and/or potential issuance of a citation from law enforcement officers for fare evasion.

  • The U-Pass is non-transferable and valid only when used by the eligible individual to whom it was initially issued.
  • The U-Pass is valid only when issued through WashU Parking & Transportation Services.
  • The U-Pass is valid for access to the Metro system only when presented for service by an eligible member of the WashU community along with a valid WashU ID.
  • Passengers who fail to present a valid WashU ID with the U-Pass will be required to pay the cash fare for access to the bus. In addition, on the train, the U-Pass could be confiscated, and law enforcement officers could issue a citation for fare evasion.
  • A valid U-Pass must be returned to Parking & Transportation Services if an individual is no longer registered full-time.
  • Passes should be returned to:

Danforth Parking & Transportation Services
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1200
St. Louis, MO 63130

  • The U-Pass must be renewed annually. The expiration date is printed on the U-Pass.
  • Passengers who present an expired U-Pass will be required to pay the cash fare for access to the bus. In addition, on the train, law enforcement officers could issue a citation for fare evasion to passengers presenting an expired U-Pass.
  • Lost or stolen U-Passes must be reported to Parking & Transportation Services immediately. The fee charged for a replacement annual U-Pass is $50.00. This replacement fee cannot be waived.
  • Metro does not allow eating or drinking in its vehicles. Failure to comply with this policy on the train could result in a citation from law enforcement officers.

For questions regarding U-Pass status, please contact parktrans@wustl.edu. Get specifics on Metro service to WUSTL campuses. Learn more about Metro Transit’s services, maps, and schedules.

Reducing solo driving

Carpooling and vanpooling information

EV charging stations

EV charging information

Motorcycles, bicycles, scooters, and mopeds

Motorcycle, bicycle, scooter, and moped parking guidelines