This outage(April 3rd 7-11am), on the ‘W’ feed, is the second of two outages scheduled. The purpose for this outage is so that the Euclid Power Plant can perform maintenance and testing on their main switch gear. In order to clear the ‘W’ feed to support the work being done in EPP, we will be required to switch the utilities in several buildings that are fed from the EPP Switch gear. Listed below are the buildings affected, as well as how they are affected:
- West Bldg. This building will be single lined to the ‘D’ feed only, and will see a temporary interruption of power during the switching process (power blip). This power blip will happen twice – once at the beginning of the outage, and once at the end when switching back to normal.
- Irene Walter Johnson. This building will be single lined to ‘D’ feed only and should not see any interruption to power.
- Maternity Hospital. This building will be single lined to the ‘D’ feed only and should not see any interruption to power.
- McMillian Hospital. This building will be single lined to the ‘D’ feed only and should not see any interruption of power. As a precautionary measure, no work may occur in the McMillan 1103 BSL3 suite during this outage.