On Monday, January 17, Alberici Construction will begin site preparations for the BJC Institute of Health (BJC IOH) Vertical Expansion Project. The project is a planned six (6) story vertical expansion addition on the existing north tower of the BJC IOH building. The addition will accommodate the expansion of specialty wet lab and wet lab research areas on campus.
The scope of the project includes:
• Temporary closure of Hope Plaza and re-routing of pedestrian walking routes
• Temporary closure of vehicular access from Euclid Ave. & Parkview Ave. to Hope Plaza
• Temporary, partial closure of Wohl Circle
• Six (6) story vertical expansion of the north tower of BJC IOH
• Addition of two (2) new elevators in BJC IOH
• Addition of one (1) new generator in BJC IOH
Site preparation construction work from January 17, 2022 through March 28, 2022 will include:
• Mobilization
• Site Preparation – Temporary closure of Hope Plaza, Re-routing of pedestrian walk ways, Temporary closure of Wohl Circle, Start of selective building demolition on the BJCIOH building to prepare for steel erection (work will be coordinated with occupants of each floor), Installation of crane and man hoist foundations, etc.
• Start of Steel Erection – March 28, 2022
The project will be constructed in one phase, but will have a phased occupancy. Throughout the project, construction will require various temporary shutdowns and disruptions to the BJC IOH building and to the areas surrounding the building.
The vertical expansion schedule is anticipated to have a thirty-two (32) month duration. The project completion is scheduled for the fall of 2024, with completion of the restoration of Hope Plaza following, in the winter of 2024.
If your work on campus takes you in or around the BJC IOH building and Hope Plaza, please anticipate shutdowns, disruptions and inconveniences associated with the construction of this project.
Your patience and cooperation, while we work to expand cutting-edge research on campus is sincerely appreciated.
Please direct any questions or concerns to Lauren Leonard, WUSM Project Manager.