Sent on behalf of Barnes-Jewish Hospital.
Starting the week of November 21st, Sachs Electric (ArchKey) will be working on the Medical Campus to install a new TFC underground fiber optic cable between the Institute of Health (IOH) and the Becker Medical Library.
This work will consist of cable pulling efforts in the street through TFC manholes.
During the scheduled timeframe, Sachs will be installing TFC underground fiber optic cable that will extend from the Medical Library on Euclid to IOH at Euclid and Nash Way. The path for this cable work will be on Euclid (TFC MH #31), running north in the center of Euclid from the Medical Library, through TFC manholes, 43, 44, then within Hope Plaza, through manholes 44c, 44b, 44a, to manhole 45, then turning west into the IOH BEF.
*Please see the iRaceway Map for manhole reference.
Weather permitting, the planned duration of this work is through close of business, Friday, December 2nd.
All work will be done during the day shift, beginning daily at 9:00 am and ending at 3:00 pm each day. There are NO anticipated street closures involved, but intermittent lane obstructions and traffic shifts will occur.
Adhering to Federal, State, and Local transportation regulations, the Sachs crew will provide traffic and safety control to include flagmen, cones, plating (where appropriate), and warning signs during all work times. To ensure worker safety, Sachs vehicles, equipped with warning lights, may be employed to block manholes as they are accessed.
Please direct any questions or concerns to Tony Noto at 314-304-0953.