Sent on behalf of Barnes-Jewish Hospital
A crane lift is planned to take place on Monday, February 20th, to install 2 MRI magnets on the 3rd floor of Shoenberg, past the Parkview Tower Ambulance Bay. The activities will impact all eastbound vehicular and pedestrian traffic on Forest Park Avenue Vehicular traffic will be rerouted, via traffic signs, to turn North towards Laclede Avenue or South towards Parkview Place.
Pedestrian traffic will be routed to the north sidewalk on Forest Park Avenue and down either Kingshighway Blvd. or Euclid Avenue Ambulances going to the Parkview Tower Ambulance Bay will go to the CAM Ambulance Bay.
Patient Concierge support will assist patients to their destination via the CAM Service Elevator Lobby to the Level 3 link into Shoenberg or Parkview Tower.
This will be a one-day activity on Monday, February 20th with a time frame estimated around 9 am – 2 pm. Anticipated street closure is estimated around 5 am – 4 pm.
Please contact TW Constructors Superintendent directly for any urgent issues during the day: Jeff Kilcullin (314)750-3403. Please contact Vincent Nutt (314)681-9526 if you have any concerns or questions prior to the crane pick.