The purpose of this outage is to perform maintenance and testing on the main electrical switchgear that distributes power to SRF-East, as well as the outdoor Transformer that serves SIR. This is the 2nd of two outages to do this work. Facilities electricians will perform switching to single-line the SRF-East, main switchgear to the ‘D’ feed only. This will allow them to isolate and de-energize the ‘W’ feed so the equipment can be safely worked on. This will also require all Normal power to be shut down in SIR, since it shares the same ‘W’ Feeder. When all work is complete the ‘W’ Feed power will be restored and SIR and the SRF-East main switchgear will be returned to normal operation. This work will ensure that the main electrical systems of these buildings will continue to provide safe and reliable power.
Building/Areas affected:
The SRF-East main electrical switchgear will be single lined to the ‘D’ feed only, and there should not be any power disruptions. The HAP House is also fed from the ‘W’ bus of SRF-East main electrical switchgear, but because the main switchgear is being single-lined to ‘D’ it shouldn’t see any power disruptions either. SIR shares the same ‘W’ Feed and will see a complete loss of all normal lighting and normal receptacle power. After a short power disruption, the generator should start and provide power to all equipment and lighting connected to the emergency power system. The Supply Room will also see a complete loss of power.