Facilities Operations Update

New gas line installation at the Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building starts on Monday, February 17th

Spire will begin work on a new gas line at Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building (4370 Duncan Ave) on Monday, February 17th. Underground work is scheduled for completion by Friday, February 21st. Additional installation work, including the gas meter, will occur the week of March 3rd.

Construction & Traffic Impact:

Location: Near the Newstead Avenue entrance of the Newstead Garage and lower loading dock area.

Traffic Control Plan:
Cones, flaggers, and signage will guide traffic. Two-way (north/south) traffic will be maintained throughout.

One Northbound lane will be closed for most of the week.

Two Northbound lanes will be closed for final tie-in work at the end of the week. Street plates will be placed over open trenches when crews are not working

Deliveries to the loading dock will not be impacted.
Project Schedule & Work Details:

  1. February 17–21:
    Street work begins, including horizontal boring down the ramp (ramp remains open)
    Saw cutting and trenching toward the gas meter and housekeeping pad
  2. Week of March 3:
    Installation of the gas meter following completion of bollards and housekeeping pad

If you have any questions, please contact Adam Jones, Engineering Project Manager, or Mitch Snyder, Team Lead Senior Project Manager. We will provide further updates as needed. Thank you.