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Incident No. 2502-00073 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred:
02/04/2025 1:59 pm
Date & Time Reported: 
02/04/2025 1:59 pm
Farrell Learning and Teaching Center (FLTC) 1st Floor 
Protective Services officers located a known trespasser on the 1st floor of the FLTC. He was detained and officers determined he had no weapons or access cards. The subject was again warned against future trespass and escorted from campus. 
Subject arrested and warned against future trespass.

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Incident No. 2502-00101 (Protective Services Incident)

Trespassing/Suspicious Activity
Date & Time Occurred:
02/12/2025 12:50 pm
Date & Time Reported: 
02/12/2025 12:50 pm
Metro Garage
Protective Services officers responded to the Metro Garage for a report of a suspicious person who matched the description of a subject who stole items from the Gary C. Werths Building at Siteman Cancer Center. Officers located the subject and found him to be in possession of several stolen items. Officers took him into custody and determined he had several active warrants. The SLMPD was called. However, they declined to respond. Officers released the subject and ensured that he left campus. 
Investigation Complete. Suspect Arrested and Released.

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Incident No. 2503-00152 (Protective Services Incident)

Trespassing, Harassment
Date & Time Occurred:
03/04/2025 11:00 pm
Date & Time Reported: 
03/04/2025 11:06 pm
Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology (MIR) 2nd Floor
Protective Services officers responded to the 2nd floor of the MIR for a report of a suspicious person. Upon arrival, BJH Public Safety had already detained and identified the subject as a known trespasser. The subject was combative with the officers and placed under arrest. The subject was in possession of suspected narcotics. An investigation revealed the subject had been harassing nurses and making inappropriate comments earlier that evening. The subject requested medical attention due to being under the influence of an unknown substance. He was transported to the Barnes-Jewish Hospital Emergency Department. The SLMPD was notified based on the subject being in possession of narcotics and having several active warrants. He was turned over to the custody of the SLMPD. 
Suspect Arrested. Investigation Complete. Referred to the SLMPD.

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Report No. 21-042667

Date & Time Occurred:  9/21/2021 2:00 pm
Date & Time Reported: 9/21/2021 2:00 pm
Location: 1200 block of Duncan Ave.
Synopsis: Reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. No further information available.
Disposition: Disposition Unknown

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Report No. 2104-00119 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 4/16/2021 3:05 am
Date & Reported: 4/16/2021 3:05 am
Location:  West Building
Synopsis: Officers located a known trespasser sleeping in the vestibule of the west building. The same trespasser was responsible for forcing open the doors of the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center and dumping soil on the reception desk. Due to his excessive trespasses, officers took him into custody and turned him over to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Suspect arrested and turned over to the SLMPD. Unknown judicial disposition.

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Report No. 2104-00126 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 4/23/2021 2:37 am
Date & Reported: 4/23/2021 2:37 am
Location:  Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB)
Synopsis: Officers located a known trespasser sleeping in the Link near the CSRB. The same trespasser was arrested on 4/16/21. Due to his excessive trespasses, officers took him into custody and turned him over to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Suspect arrested and turned over to the SLMPD. Unknown judicial disposition.

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Report No. 2105-00138 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 5/7/2021 2:37 am-3:20 am
Date & Reported: 5/7/2021 3:20 am
Location:  McDonnell Pediatrics Research Building (MPRB)
Synopsis: Officers located a known trespasser sleeping in the Link near the MPRB. The same trespasser was arrested on 4/16/21 and 4/23/21. Due to his excessive trespasses, officers took him into custody and turned him over to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Suspect arrested and turned over to the SLMPD. Unknown judicial disposition.

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Report No. 2105-00142 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 5/10/2021 4:45 am
Date & Reported: 5/10/2021 4:45 am
Location:  West Building, Euclid Ave.
Synopsis: Officers found a known trespasser sleeping outside the West Building. The man refused to leave the area and demanded the SLMPD be called. Officers called the SLMPD who were successful in getting the man to leave campus.
Disposition: SLMPD contacted. No judicial disposition.

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Report No. 2107-00237 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 7/20/2021 2:09 am
Date & Reported: 7/20/2021 2:09 am
Location:  Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB)
Synopsis: Protective Services officers located a person known for trespassing sleeping behind the WUIT tech bar on the second floor link of the CSRB. The subject had been warned against trespassing on WUSM property several times. He was taken into custody and turned over to the SLMPD.
Disposition: Suspect arrested. Judicial disposition unknown.

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Report No. 2109-00324 (Protective Services Incident)

Date & Time Occurred: 9/15/2021 7:00 am
Date & Time Reported: 9/15/2021 7:00 am
Location: Specialized Interim Research Facility (SIRF) Parking Lot
Synopsis:  A WUSM employee observed a male subject in the parking lot tampering with two uninstalled air conditioning units. The employee confronted the subject who stated he thought the units were trash and free to take. The employee warned the subject that he was trespassing on private property and called Protective Services. The subject left prior to officers' arrival. A BOLO was issued to determine the subject's identity.
Disposition: Investigation Ongoing