Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology-Electric Service Interruption 11/17/2024

Facilities will conduct an electrical outage on Sunday, November 17th, 7- 11 am. This outage is for servicing and cleaning the switchgear to ensure that the electrical system throughout the building is in proper working order. Several floors will be affected as a result of this outage: 2nd Fl., 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th. […]

4480 Clayton-Fire Alarm Service Interruption 11/14/2024

On Thursday, November 14th, 6:30- 7:30 a.m., facilities and contractors will test the fire alarm system (Audio and Visual). There will be audible alarms and visual strobes throughout the building. THIS IS ONLY A TEST; there is no need for evacuation.

Siteman Cancer Center @ 4500 Forest Park-Electric Service Interruption 11/19/2024

On Tuesday, November 19th 3-6 am facilities will be conducting a test of the generator and Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) for Joint Commissioning. There will be a closed transition to emergency power from the normal power, no blips are anticipated during the test. Elevators, however, will return to designated floor until transfer; and then operate […]

McDonnell Pediatrics Research Building (MPRB) roof repairs November 16

On Saturday, November 16, from 7 am to 5 pm, workers will set a crane on the east side of MPRB to hoist roofing material onto the east roof. The crane will be put in the contractor’s temporary parking area within the BJCIH Vertical Expansion project’s construction zone. The tenth and eleventh floors east side […]