Barnes-Jewish Plaza restricted to one lane in either direction November 16-21

The Campus Renewal team will mobilize a 360-ton crane on Saturday, November 16, at 9 am at Barnes-Jewish Plaza near the Plaza West Tower construction site. The crane will install exterior walls on the tower’s east side. Flaggers and spotters will be used during the five-hour crane setup to maintain two-way traffic flow while two […]

Window cleaning in Clayton and Metro Garages

Archway Window Cleaning started cleaning the exterior windows of the Clayton and Metro Garages on Monday, November 11th. Archway is using a boom lift and rappelling techniques to access certain areas. No disruptions to drive lanes, parking, or pedestrian access are expected. The work is anticipated to take approximately two weeks. If you have any […]

Holiday closing notice from Mail and Receiving Services

Please be conscious when placing perishable orders for delivery during the Thanksgiving Holiday week. The WUSM and Danforth Receiving docks will be closed on the following days:• Thursday, November 28, 2024• Friday, November 29, 2024 Most delivery services will be open and making business deliveries on Friday, November 29, 2024. FedEx, UPS, and the other […]

Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology-Electric Service Interruption 11/17/2024

Facilities will conduct an electrical outage on Sunday, November 17th, 7- 11 am. This outage is for servicing and cleaning the switchgear to ensure that the electrical system throughout the building is in proper working order. Several floors will be affected as a result of this outage: 2nd Fl., 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th. […]

4480 Clayton-Fire Alarm Service Interruption 11/14/2024

On Thursday, November 14th, 6:30- 7:30 a.m., facilities and contractors will test the fire alarm system (Audio and Visual). There will be audible alarms and visual strobes throughout the building. THIS IS ONLY A TEST; there is no need for evacuation.