East Imaging cooling tower removal – Saturday, November 23

Please see the hoisting and street closure plan for Saturday, November 23, starting at 7 am. We will be placing a crane on Scott Avenue. We plan on closing Scott Avenue. However, as the plan shows, we will divert traffic through the food truck lane. A dumpster will be in the same location as the […]

Auxiliary Services holiday hours

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the Auxiliary Services on the WashU Medicine campus will have modified hours of operation the week of November 25th. The locations will hold regular business hours Monday, November 25, through Tuesday, November 26, and will be closed Thursday, November 28, through Friday, November 29. Hours for Wednesday, November 27:

Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health-Air Handling Unit Service Interruption 11/20/2024

On Wednesday, November 20th, from 3-6 am, Facilities Operations will upgrade the HVAC controls during the above-noted date and time. During this time, occupants on all floors( except the vertical expansion areas), including the LL vivarium and BSL3 suite, will experience a loss/reduction of supply and exhaust flow to their lab spaces. No work shall […]

Genome Data Center-Electric Service Interruption 11/23/2024

On Saturday, November 23rd, facilities will be conducting switchgear maintenance on the electrical gear that feeds the UPS. The UPS will be transferred, so there will be no power loss. The facility will test and operate the gear and afterward return to normal. We do not anticipate any power loss.