Elevators in these buildings will be out of service for about 2 to 4 hours between 7:00 am – 3:30 pm on October 7th, through October 9th, to conduct inspections and fire recall tests as required by the Elevator Safety Unit of the Missouri Department of Public Safety. The elevators will be selected on a […]
Mid Campus Center, CSRB North Tower Addition-Electric Service Interruption 10/8-9/2024
Elevators in the listed buildings will be out of service to be tested on emergency generator power from 6 am to 7 am daily, from October 8th through October 9th. When power is transferred, lighting and equipment connected to the emergency power system may experience a blip. The list that follows shows which buildings’ elevators […]
Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology-Elevator Service Interruption 10/20/2024
Elevator 103 will be out of service on Sunday, October 20th, at 8 am for 4 hours to perform preventive maintenance. The elevator will be back on service at noon.
Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology-Elevator Service Interruption 10/6/2024
Elevator 102 will be out of service on Sunday, October 6th, at 8 am for 4 hours to perform preventive maintenance. The elevator will be back in service at noon.
Jeffrey T. Fort Neuroscience Research Building-Domestic Hot Water Service Interruption 10/5/2024
On Saturday, October 5th 11 am – 7 pm the 10th-floor vivarium will be without hot and cold domestic water during this outage. This outage is needed to tie in utilities for the 10th-floor new construction area. During this outage, anything that uses domestic water, such as sinks, trench washers, etc., will not work. Animal […]
Clayton Garage-Fire Alarm Service Interruption 10/16/2024
On Wednesday, October 16th, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Facilities and St. Louis city inspectors will inspect the garage fire alarm system. There will be an audible alarm and strobe light throughout the garage. There will be no need for evacuation. THIS IS ONLY A TEST.
East Imaging Center, East Building-Fire Alarm Service Interruption 10/9/2024
On Wednesday, October 9th, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., Facilities and St. Louis city inspectors will inspect the newly updated fire/alarm system. During the test, audible alarms and strobe lights will be used. There is no need for evacuation. THIS IS ONLY A TEST.
4444 Forest Park Ave., Mid Campus Center, Genome Data Center – 10/15/2024
This outage is to upgrade the firmware in the Building Network Automation Engine. We anticipate that none of the building HVAC systems will be affected.
McDonnell Medical Sciences Building, East Building, East Imaging Center-10/14/2024
This outage is to upgrade the firmware in the Building Network Automation Engine. During this outage, none of the building’s HVAC systems are anticipated to be affected. (NOTE:) Work for the Vivarium space shall take place prior to 6:00 a.m.
Specialized Interim Research Building, Wohl Clinic, 4560 Clayton Ave., 4522 McKinley, West Building
This outage is to upgrade the firmware in the Building Network Automation Engine. During this outage, none of the building HVAC systems are anticipated to be affected. (NOTE:) Work for the Vivarium space shall take place prior to 6:00 a.m.