Sent on behalf of Barnes-Jewish Hospital. The Campus Renewal Project is shutting down a northbound lane of Kingshighway just north of Barnes-Jewish Plaza for four months. Starting January 20th, workers will reduce Kingshighway to two northbound lanes. The closure is north of Barnes-Jewish Plaza, adjacent to the New Plaza West Tower. Team members and physicians […]
Wohl Hospital lower level final floor replacement January 20-21
Workers will install the final floor replacement in the lower level of Wohl Hospital (the small corridor to the south of Clopton Auditorium and the new sliding doors) January 20-21 from 6 pm until 4 am daily. Please see the map showing the floor to be replaced in purple and the alternate routes in yellow […]
MetroLink secure platform plan update-
Sent on behalf of Metro. Below are updates regarding the MetroLink Secure Platform Plan. The contractor will wire the turnstiles and gates at the Central West End (CWE) Station during the week of January 27th. Work on the remaining fencing on the southern side of the alignment is scheduled to begin in February. We have […]
Wohl Hospital-Elevator Service Interruption 1/27-2/7/2025
From Monday, January 27th, 6 am – Friday, February 7th, Elevator #20 in Wohl Hospital will be out of service to replace the cab interior. Once the work is complete, the elevator will be returned to service. Please use Wohl Clinic elevators #13, #14, and #15 or Wohl Hospital elevators #18 and #19 during this […]
West Building, Eric P Newman Education Center, 825 S. Taylor Ave., 4560 Clayton Ave., Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health, Renard Hospital, Clinical Sciences Research Building
Elevators in these buildings will be out of service for about 2 to 4 hours between 7:00 am and 3:30 pm on any day between January 20 and January 24 to conduct annual and 5-year inspections as required by the Elevator Safety Unit of the Missouri Department of Public Safety. The elevators will be selected […]
West Building-Elevator Service Interruption 1/21/2025
Elevators in the listed buildings will be out of service for 2 to 3 hours from 3:00 pm to 7:30 pm on January 21st to complete the 5-year inspections and fire recall Testing as required by the Elevator Safety Unit of the Missouri Department of Public Safety. The elevators will be selected on a priority […]
McDonnell Medical Sciences Building-Fire Alarm Sprinkler System Service Interruption 1/28/2025
On Tuesday, January 28th, from 6 am – 2 pm, the contractor will be conducting a drain down of the fire alarm sprinkler system. There will be no Hot Work Permits issued during this outage. The system will be monitored throughout.
CSRB North Tower Addition-4th floor biohazard area Service Interruption
DCM is contracting with PASS Security to replace the existing 4th floor ABSL3 lock sets and associated infrastructure on the 4th floor. PASS will be installing the wireless network infrastructure over the the course of two overnight outages as identified below. NO work may occur in the 4th floor biohazard area during the work periods […]
McDonnell Pediatric Research Building-Air Handling Unit Service Interruption 1/13-17/2025
OFMD will be completing a series of outages to replace an automatic transfer switch (ATS) that serves several critical systems in the building. (An automatic transfer switch (ATS) is a device that automatically switches the power supply from the main/normal utility electrical source to a backup generator when it detects a power outage.) Monday, January […]
Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology-Elevator Service Interruption 12/30/2024-1/6/2025
Elevator 103 is currently out of service due to a component failure. KONE expects to receive the replacement part on Monday and will get the elevator back in service as soon as possible.