On Wednesday, September 11th 6 am – 6 pm Johnson Controls will be replacing the network control engine that serves 434/445 ABSL3 suite. NO work may occur in the 434/445 ABSL3 suite during this outage. Other ABSL3 suites in the 4th floor biohazard area will be available during this outage.
Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health-Hot Water Service Interruption 9/21/2024
On Saturday, September 21st 6 am – 4 pm Facilities will drain the heating hot water to the 9th floor to assist contractors. The 9th floor may see cooler than normal temperatures during this time.
Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health-Gas Service Interruption 9/21/2024
On Saturday, September 21st 6 am – 4 Pm Facilities will turn off the natural gas to floors 7-11. No natural gas will be available to labs on these floors during the above-noted dates and times.
REVISED-Specialized Research Facility East, Specialized Interim Research Building-Electric Service Interruption 9/21/2024
On Saturday, September 21st 7-11 pm Facilities will be conducting an emergency power test to determine if both SIRF and SIRF-E emergency power can be supported on SIRF-E 1800 Kw generator. There will be no power loss in SIRF, but there will be a TOTAL building electrical outage in SIRF-East during this test. The affected […]
Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health-BSL – B120 Suite Service Interruption 9/11/2024
Maintenance work will be completed within the BSL3 – B120 Suite on the lower level of the BJCIH building on September 11th between 8 am and 10:00 am. Although facilities does not expect any impact to the BSL3 lab on the lower level as a precaution NO work shall take place in any labs during […]
Mid Campus Center-Elevator Service Interruption September 4 – September 27, 2024
Elevator #139 has been taken out of service due to damage to the hoist ropes. New ropes are on order and will be replaced as soon as possible. The elevator will be returned to service once the repairs are made. The ropes are currently being replaced, and work is expected to be completed by Friday, […]
REVISED-East McDonnell Facility-Fire Alarm Service Interruption September 4-10, 2024
Between September 4th 6 am – September 5th 3 pm a contractor will have the fire alarm system down for replacement. Security will be on fire watch until the completion of the project, the sprinkler system will be fully operational.
Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health – Exhaust Fan Service Interruption 9/5/2024
On Thursday, September 5th 6-8 am to support the vertical expansion project ,adjustments need to be made to the exhaust system serving the north(vertical expansion area) labs on floors 7-11 and the supply air handling system for the 7th floor BTCF during the above noted time. During the outage occupants should expect to a possible […]
McDonnell Pediatric Research Building-Air Handling Unit September 3-28, 2024
A contractor will be cleaning supply ductwork on the west side of the 8th floor which includes the 8201 BSL3 suite, 8210 BSL3 suite, and the Kutluay lab. The duct cleaning will occur daily. The outage each day will begin at 9:00 pm and will finish by 6:00 am the following morning. No work may […]
Biotechnology Center-Elevator Service Interruption 9/9-10/2024
Elevators #51 & #52 will be out of service to allow Midwest Elevator to complete some work required for the modernization project of #52 between September 9th 6 am – September 10th 3pm. During this time please use the freight elevator #31, at the east end of the building. Once the work is complete, elevator […]