On Sunday, February 2nd, from 6 am to 4 pm, contractors will close off the Wohl Clinic entrance to replace a curtain heater.
Barnard Hospital-Steam Service Interruption 2/7-8/2025 6 pm- 4 am
In order to repair a sewer line to the first-floor bathrooms, facilities will be shutting down the steam to the building this will affect all heating devices, and facilities will be adjusting airflows to help maintain the temperatures in the building.
McDonnell Pediatric Research Building-BSL3 Lab 8201C Service Interruption 1/31-2/4/2025
In order for plumbing repairs to be made in BSL3 lab 8201C a series of outages for the 8201 BSL3 suite will be required. During the dates and times noted below NO work shall take place in BSL3 suite 8201. 1/31 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM2/3 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM2/4 7:00 AM – 10:00 […]
McDonnell Medical Sciences Building-Domestic Cold Water Service Interruption 2/1/2025
On Saturday, February 1st, from 12 am – 12:12 pm, This outage will affect all potable water hot & cold to the building, All restrooms, sinks, autoclaves, glass washers, R.O& D.I water, vacuum, emergency eyewash & showers, cage washers, & ice makers. The reason for this outage is to replace the backflow prevention devices on […]
McDonnell Pediatric Research Building-Faucet in 7301-Anteroom Service Interruption 1/29/2025
On Wednesday, January 29th, from 9:30 am – Noon, A foot pedal assembly serving the faucet in 7301-Anteroom will be repaired or replaced. NO work may occur in the 7301 BSL3 suite during this outage.
West Building-Elevator Service Interruption 1/22-28/2025
West Building elevator #27 will be out of service until further notice. During inspections, the elevator failed the fire recall test and needs to be repaired. KONE will return the elevator to service once it has been repaired and re-inspected.
CSRB North Tower Addition-431/441 ABSL3 Suite Service Interruption 1/28/2025
On Tuesday, January 28th, from 7 am – 1 pm DCM is working with a contractor to install new access controls on the 431/441 ABSL3 suite. NO work may occur in this ABSL3 suite during the outage.
CSRB North Tower Addition-432/442 ABSL3 Suite Service Interruption 1/29/2025
On Wednesday, January 29th, from 7 am – 1 pm DCM is working with a contractor to install new access controls on the 432/442 ABSL3 suite. NO work may occur in this ABSL3 suite during the outage.
CSRB North Tower Addition-451/461 ABSL3 Suite Service Interruption 1/30/2025
On Thursday, January 30th, from 7 am – 1 pm, DCM is working with a contractor to install new access controls on the 451/461 ABSL3 suite. NO work may occur in this ABSL3 suite during the outage.
CSRB North Tower Addition-ABSL3 Service Interruption 1/27/2025
Today, January 27th, from 7 am – 1 pm, DCM is working with a contractor to install new access controls on the 454/463 ABSL3 suite. NO work may occur in this ABSL3 suite during the outage.